(no subject)

Oct 04, 2005 23:35

Well I made a promise I was going to update this thing more...so here we go, and for fun, I'm going to try something new…'Security: Public' oooo *shifty*

Weekend was a busy one.

Saturday I was at the barn working at filling some gaps in the exterior walls for our haunted part of the barn. We aren't using the whole downstairs, some day that would be nice, but we simply don't have the man power to pull off that kind of task. Any volunteers?! In the mean time, we have to partition off our portion. We need full light and heat lock. Heat lock when it dips below 0C and we have to work inside (loving these 27 degree days! Woot), but more importantly, light lock so we can have complete control over the interior atmosphere! Got that done and a few other misc items and it was a day....well sort of. We got kicked out because there was an event in the upper barn and we weren't allowed to drill or saw wood. We opted for dinner and a movie. Went to East Sides and then the theatre for the late show, at 10:30. They guys wanted to see Serenity, it sounded interesting and I enjoy the Sci-fi genre so why not. Turned out it was actually pretty cool. What I liked most was (for myself anyways) an unknown cast, so it was easier for me to believe and make connections with the characters. I find it so hard sometimes when I see a movie with top rate actors as I remember them from this movie or that movie, and can't get their roles in those movies out of my head for the current movie!

Sunday was supposed to be my do all the things on my list of about 10 items, day. And they weren't so big items. I had a few requests for photo CDs and one I HAD to get done, I promised a relative the CD back in July and now it's October, how did that happen?! So I was all set, photos on my Epson P2000, copy to my hard disk, then I'd convert to JPEG. Then, just burn a CD and poof, done! 1h job. Well....I discovered I had just over a gig of hard disk space left, not enough! These bloody digital photos, I'm not sure if this was a good idea or not! (Wait, let me think...improvement on results since acquiring a digital camera...yeah, worth it) Using 1GB flash cards adds up quick tho, when my hard drive is only 40GB! I had to first burn DVDs of my older pics to free up space. And I had wanted to do that for a long time now, just, not on Sunday! That took the better part of the afternoon and I never did finish. I was, however, able to free up just enough space for working with the new ones I had to for my relative!

Advance to today!

At the barn again tonight and what excitement! We discovered tonight that our resident baby skunk has learned how to use his or her tools, and use them he/she did! Our storage room and the first part of the barn has a new smell! Jason and I caught the bugger tho, and it's outdoors, still in the cage, awaiting departure from the premises. It’s being evicted.

We also put up some walls for the kiddy part of the barn and tested some gear that Jason and Lucas brought back from the States on Sunday. Some cool stuff for sure. Neon tubes, a full sized store mannequin, loads of electrical supplies, 4x8 sheets of plexy 3/4 inch!! (read: large $$), hardware, lighting...basically things that are good for haunted barns! Donations are good and this was quite a haul!

Work in the morning, must get some rest…G-night...
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