The most off topic.

Apr 20, 2010 12:54

Good parents are and always have been the backbone of society. Good parenting begets successful children, and successful children beget a successful community. It is extremely important that a parent properly provide to their children, or they let down both their child and the community at large. Squirrel. This keyboard is obnoxiously loud, and I am starting to get annoyed. I think I may be to distracted to write this essay in class today, so I’m writing this in order to try and get my brain juices flowing. I am taking care of a baby squirrel right now. I’ve named him Gandalf the Eastern Grey, because he is an Eastern Grey squirrel. Im still not sure Gandalf was quite right for him, but the alternative was Puck (Pouk, Pooka, Poucca, Robin Goodfellow etc etc) most notably from A Midsummer Nights Dream, and he wasn’t quite puckish. Oh neat! Puckish is a word, meaning exactly what it should. Good for the English language!
On the topic of Puck, I’ve always found him/it particularly interesting, especially the History and the evolution of Puck. It draws its roots from the Irish Poucca, which was a shape shifting faerie from Ireland. Some myths tell of Pouccas transforming into black horses and offering rides to weary travelers after which they would take the traveler on a hell ride through the rolling moors (which happen to be quite a dangerous terrain). William Langland, an old English author (1300’s maybe?) once gave “hell” the name “Pouk’s Pinfold”, and for a while the name stuck, and to utter the name Pouk was to utter the name of the devil. It gets a little more tricky around the time that Shakespeare used Puck and made him famous. Some say that Robin Hood is part of Puck’s evolution, as one of Puck’s aliases is Robin Goodfellow, and infact there is something to be said for it, as Robin Hood was written before a Midsummer Nights Dream, and the original name of the books was Faeries of Sherwood Forest, or something to that effect. I wont look it up because I’m in class.
So Puck is real cool and stuff, but so is my squirrel Gandalf. Johan Sheridan thinks I should name him “Dog” or “Anime Sidekick” I like both of those a lot, but it is far too late.
In other news; Quinn and I Skyped for a while last night so she could meet Gandalf. Her tattoo is straight up amazing. It’s so friggin cool. I really like Quinn a lot, even if I cannot hear her voice because she is bad at computers, I still enjoy facing with her. I hope we do that more. If we don’t that is really ok too, because she is going to Vassar next semester, and we are going to hang out So ridiculously much. Like a lot a lot. She said she is going to run a campaign for us, which I am super excited for. Especially because Mike has been wanting to actually play for a while, but Nate and Marley are away, and I am very bad at DMing, so Mike always hasta.
I’ve decided to post this in my livejournal when I am done, just now. That’s a lie. I decided that like 15 sentences in, but I think it will make Raine happy. She is always wanting me to update it.

OTHER THINGS. Beat Hazard is friggin off the hook. It’s so fun, and I have like 1700+ levels to choose from. Its only 8 bucks on Steam, and it was made by ONE GUY. A SINGLE GUY. How cool is that guy. I would describe this as “Synesthesia: The Game”. One song that seems to translate REALLY well is the Inspector Gadget Dupstep Remix. Oh man I cannot wait to play this game when I get home.

OTHER OTHER THINGS. I went into Willow on yesterday to pick up the cage Ruby Lavin said she would leave out for me, which she did. It was huge and awesome, but it needs a little work before it will be good to go. I spent like two hours disinfecting it and soon I will do some more work. Raine’s Uncle came with me and we stopped off in Woodstock to get him some sage, so he can attune the family to Raiki or something crazy and awesome. Gandalf came with and he was very well behaved. He just sat in my pocket with his head poked out for head pets, which he got lots of. On the way back to the car he clambered out and up under my hair to get warm, since it was rather chilly. I love him.
In Other Other other things, I asked my Biology Professor if I could bring Gandalf into class tonight, for his evening feeding and maybe some pocket time if he gets restless. I was expecting a hard core, No way. Or at least a soft core “Im not quite comfortable with that”. This was her response;
” ARE YOU KIDDING!!! I'D LOVE TO SEE HIM! BABIES ARE SO CUTE (I could do without the parents, however). YES, YES, YES!”
And then a second email
That lady is a full on ultra sweet heart. Too bad Gandalf wont get me an A on my test tonight. *ultra sigh*
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