Mr President,
Your first 100 days in office are over. Congratulations. I’ve watched and listened with an open mind and with hope in my heart that you’d focus on those things we agree on. As a person you are infinitely likeable. Your conviction in the principles you hold dear is laudable. But your willingness to elevate petty dictators to the level of peers while insulting our longtime friends is regrettable. Your inability to speak in short concise sentences without a teleprompter is laughable. Your narcissistic need for global adulation is leaves many with the sense that you lack the testicular fortitude to act decisively if American’s enemies assault our interests or our people. Your rhetoric is divisive, finger pointing, and brings to mind the rogue of the great space opera who once uttered, “It’s not my fault!”
But I’m willing to leave all that aside. If I were to hire someone for a job that I knew lacked the training required to perform the tasks for which he/she was assigned then fired him/her after only 3 months the fault would be mine. We the American people voted for you knowing you didn’t have the skills to lead. We voted based on hope and on your potential to grow into your role. So despite perhaps the worst first 100 days in modern history for an American President I want you to know you and I will have a clear slate.
I forgive you for the errors of your freshman administration and would remind you that from here on out you need to man-up and take responsibility when your team falls short. Stop blaming your teleprompter. Stop blaming the Republicans who don’t have the power to prevent you from doing anything you wish. Stop giving away the farm on our national secrets; especially when you redact and release only pieces designed to harm with political intent (just not cool). Stop spending money we don’t have on stimulus’s that don’t work. Stop kowtowing to the leftwing extremists while defining military veterans as possible terrorists. Stop apologizing to the world on behalf of a country who throughout its history has been a beacon of hope, a stalwart friend, and a fierce enemy to those who would shrink to boundaries of freedom.
Start demonstrating the leadership needed to lead the best country in the world. We are not simply “one among many.” We entered your administration as the world’s only superpower. Will you leave the country better than you found it or will you draw us down to the mediocrity of the middle? I leave you with this quote from
Tandor Isn’t it fabulous how Obama has reconciled with our enemies and put fear into the hearts of Americans? Does any image illustrate so neatly the wrongheadedness of the Obama administration than Americans scrambling in terror from Air Force One?
Did you order the flyby photo op on your 101st day in office? No but you own it; just like Bush would have to if it happened on his watch. Your administration’s response to this outrage was insensitive at best and downright dismissive at worst. It’s day 102, impress me…please.
Mirrored from
For Them What Care.