VollEybaLL--WuDdA wUnDeRfUl SpOrT

Apr 05, 2004 22:07

2daEe we ALL suCkeD aSs ageNsT cArTer.. the only person i saw that didn*t suck @ least 1nce wen i wuz there wuz Joanna... girl.. 2daE wuZ YOUR GAME! il her so much u*ll never know. i wuz pissed about our loss 2daeE but o wellz. OMFG regan called me unsexy 2daEe in gym n i wuz lyk w/e ur not sexxay get ur unsexxaynezz away frum me n then melissa wuz all *torn between her lover and her whore* but newayZ! lmfao me n ali0 made up 2daEe n ilhsm buT newAyz n then i went out 2 eat @ steak n shake wit muh dad n bro 2dAeE after Vball n im tryin out 4 AAU 2mArRo... iM sCuRrReD i ReALLY REALLY wanna make that shiz... but if i don*t.. my bad i guess rite? n then softball practices n gamez start up pretty soon n im s0 esSited n im keepin myself buzy but i guess i juss mite b wearin myself out but idk really even wut that is nemore. n then Kelly frum church called me 2DaEeE n told me taht this girl lisa (whoz kinda slow n lives in southfield) wantz me 2 go 2 her bday party on the 23rd n im lyk aWw of course ill go cuz lisa*z a TOTAL SWEETHEART and her kindness is completely taken for granted... but newayz... i still gotta do some hw so im out 4 now... later

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