Feb 23, 2004 18:33
2day I really didn*t do nething but sit around my house....Last nite muh sissy spent tha nite n 2day we juss hung out n then went n got taco bell wif muh mommy cuz we*re pimPz lyk that hehe ;) then we visited Bmac n Amir 4 a lil while cuz their crazy assez were outside playin bball n then later after muh sissy left i chilled wif muh boiz 4 a lil bit n talked 2 Joshz friend Josh on tha phone 4 a bit. Muh day wuz actually kinda boring but fun. It kiNda suCkEd tho cuZ i haDda do MuH hOmewoRk... UgHH mrS. adAmZ is a wHoLe NotHer StOry... bUt yA jUss goT duN WoRkiN OuT u knO woRkiN oN thAt PaC ;)..... BuT iM bOuT 2 GeT iN tHa sHowEr n GeT muH buTt iN bEd Cuz We Go 2 FuRhmAnn 2mArRO.... :\ O weLLz oUr 8tH gRaDeRz gOt ScrEwEd...NewAYz Az MuH bOy ToM sEz...Im OuT lYka HooKeRz SupPly oF cOndOmZ :D
---*x0x* CoLiE