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Jul 12, 2005 13:06

got back from black lake yesterday. i missed home. it was super fun up there tho. just wish the boat would've been working so we could've tubed! deeda. her hot neighbor didn't come up! his sister sarah did tho. she hung out on the styrofoam boat with us, shes alright i guess but a little immature. shes only 13 so its expected.

going to get my permit tomorrow. super excited about being able to drive in VA. i just hope someone lets me. i just know i can't drive dad's truck. damn stick shift. and when i get back i can drive my car everywhere!! ahhh sooooo happy. love that car.

finally, today mom is taking me shopping for shorts. i dont have a single pair that fit me comfortably cuz they're all from 6th grade. Old Navy has a sale going on so she's taking me there for jean shorts :  ) i have to wear something in VA. i hope she'll buy me some shirts too. or flip floppies. we have a coupon for spend 50 bucks get 10 bucks off so i think we're going to do just that.

today is char's birthday! i am super bummed i couldn't go up there today. no one would take me...meaning my mom. i want to see him a lot. can't wait until i get back from my dad's so we can cruise around. and then ag, tay, and bri, and i can have another taygnibri experience! looooved that weekend.

well, gotta clean the bathrooms today (yuck) to earn some money for naut. fest. weekend. i gotta buy my roasted almonds..i lost them last year and was extremely sad. just hope we'll meet up with timmy and the gang again. it was a lot of fun last year!

love colies
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