(no subject)

Nov 20, 2005 22:01

So, my roommate and I haven't spokent to eachother since last wednesday. I don't know what happened, but, she stopped talking. Which is kind of a good thing because I could not get her to shut up before. But she has done a complete 180 since then. I just got home from being gone from the weekend and said hi to her when she came in. Her response? "Erm". So, we are both in here now, trying to study. The tension is slightly high. I don't know what happened.

I don't like living in the dorms. People keep on saying, oh, it will get better. But it hasn't. In fact, it's only gotten worse. I don't remember the last time that I ate a meal with anybody in the dorm. And I think I don't really want to eat with anybody. I can't wait until I get to move home during christmas break. I get to be home for almost a whole month! And my parents said I could bring my guinea pig home with me, which they weren't going to let me do.

Ahh, I'm so frustrated with everything. Josh got a girlfriend. She's 19. And it shouldn't bother me, but for some reason it does. Chris is being a dumb butt. He said he wanted to hang out today, and would call me when he was done doing his errands and stuff. He finally called me at 5:00 to say that he was just going to hang out with all of the guys from our church and watch Braveheart. And then didn't understand why I was so upset. On the plus side, he graduated from his school thingy, so he's home during the week now. Only problem is, I don't get home until 7:00 from work, and then I have homework to do.

I'm just venting, but I'm so frustrated. It's hard to relax and focus when you hate the environment that you are living in. I've talked to my RA about getting a new roommate, but it might not happen until the end of the term. GAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Well, I have to go back to studying admist the tension.

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