Nov 06, 2009 19:21

Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile."
• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity.
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

Questions from
micaturtle .

1. Were you affected at all by Hurricane Katrina?
Physically, no. Other than being stuffed in the hall for hours while listening the world fall apart around you, nothing physically happened.

Emotionally, though, it was hard. I had friends all over the south Louisiana. I actually had a friend right in the eye of the storm. I was scared shitless...Luckily, all of my friends are okay, but being unable to reach anybody and thinking about the worst was tramatic enough, thank you very much....But we actually got off worse during Gustav...

2. Where do you work and do you like it?
I work at Cabela's, it's a hunting/fishing outdoorsy retail store, and I work customer service....i'm in between at the moment, cuz I have some amazing, wonderful coworkers there (something I hope to explain in a later post), I have also so bad ones as well...which is making me want to either quit, or get transfered to another department...only I don't want to be demoted. I have college degree, damnit, that's better than some of the managers!!!

3. How/When/Why did you get into TMNT? (Also, "Donatello, Sexy?")
Geeks are don't have to understand them when they whisper in your ear, lol.

I started to get into TMNT as a child. Donatello has always, always, always been my favorite. The worst punishment my parents could have given me was to not let me watch it.  When they stopped showing the episodes on the tv as often, it kind of died down to hybernation mode, until about a few years ago when they started showing them in the new toon, I got hooked again. I'm not so much obsessed with it now, but I still love it. I always will.

4. What does your username "Colibrigirl" mean?
Colibri is the spanish word for hummingbird. It's my sister's fault, she was big time into wrestling and her favorite wrestler, Rey Mysterio Jr's first ring name was Colibri, so it stuck...I used it as my name in Spanish class in High School, and that's when I opened my LJ account...i've attempted to change it since but...I kinda hate to let it go, ya know? It's stuck with me so long...almost 10 years...good golly!

5. You don't seem to hang out on LJ much. Are there other online communities that you spend more time at or are you just not online very much?
I'm online, but as a lurker status...I've been very busy and very low in the creativity department. Work and money stress takes a lot out of you! I am on twitter ( @hersilhouette) and facebook (Shelly LeBlanc). I'm trying to find an application that connects all three so my lj friends can keep up with my life (And I keep up with their's better, also), but so far, no juice...

I hoped that satisfied your curioisity...i know my spelling hasn't improved!

questions, micaturtle, meme

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