Vulnerable (11/?)

Apr 11, 2012 11:01

Author: FightingMadness (Colferslasher)
Rating: NC-17
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Mark/Chris; Jonathan/Chris; OMC/Chris
Genre: Angst/Romance

WARNINGS: Possessiveness kink, jealousy kink, graphic sex, graphic violence, threesome, OC, RPS.
Spoilers: Not if you watched the back 9.

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee. I am NOT making any profit out of this story. I do NOT know any of the people mentioned on this fanfiction. This story NEVER happened, it is a work of fiction. It is the result of a crazed fan daydreaming.

Summary: There is a new actor as they go back to film the back 9 episodes. He seems to develop some feelings towards Chris, but he is not the only one. Chris never thought seriously about love, now he has to deal with two men that claim to love him. Jealousy, love, paparazzi and angst as Chris tries to deal with all. Mark/Chris and Jonathan/Chris.

Author Notes:  I don't know if you guys have the same problem, maybe is my computer, but I hase SO MUCH trouble posting on LJ. It's so freaking hard.

Chapter 11 - To every bright light a dark shadow

"I can't believe it. Are you sure it was Mark? Our Mark?" Lea asked dumbfounded. She had heard Jonathan's story but the things Mark said were…so unlike the chilled out guy.

"Yes, it was your Mark. Unless there is someone walking around with Chris cell phone pretending to be Salling" he fumed.

"Hey there. No need to go smartass on me." Lea pouted at her friend's words.

"Sorry, honey." He apologized honestly "I swear the guy just went all Me Tarzan, Chris Jane. Could as well have pissed on the kid"

Lea as soon as she heard that was laughing and choking on her juice "Sorry…it was funny" she said as she wiped her mouth on the napkin. Lea was doing her best to not show her best friend that part of her was really happy for Chris and Mark.

"It may sound funny…but it wasn't…it isn't. I feel like shit all the time Lea" Jonathan stared at his clutched fists over the table, trying to turn his anguish into anger, an emotion that, he thought, was easier to deal with.

"I know sweetie and I wish I knew how to make these feelings go away…I think you'll just have to wait for them to"

"And if they don't?" he turned despaired eyes to her.

"They will baby. I promise…just, let Mark and Chris be. Don't interfere" she had to make sure her best friend wouldn't hurt himself and others in the process.

"Lea…" he couldn't look at her.

"Really, Jonathan. I know this sucks, I know you never felt this way before…but Chris is with someone else now. You have to respect that for him…and for you too sweetie. Now promise me you'll keep your distance" this was no joke, Mark was still in the closet, Chris was in his first ever real relationship…thing, and Jonathan just fell in love for the first time and was not thinking straight…things could go wrong very easily, very fast.

"He is my friend too you know?" Jonathan tried.

"I know, I'm not saying to stop talking to him…just treat him like you treat everyone else you are not interested in. Promise me John?" she pushed, she had to hear him say it.

"I'll try ok" he said looking honestly at her.

She reached for his hand bringing it near her and kissing it, but as she did she heard the now familiar noise coming from outside. "I hate these jerks sometimes!" She said looking at the paparazzi outside the cafe. "I can't even have breakfast with a friend without them breathing down my neck."

"Hey, not all of them are that bad…besides let them try to sell those pictures. Can you imagine the gossip sites: Is Jonathan Groff going straight for Lea Michele?"

It was all it took for Lea to start laughing out loud again, her delicious laugh lifting, even if just a little, her best friend's spirit.


Monday came all too soon. At first Mark had dread it, earlier in the morning he was so nervous he felt numb to almost everything…almost, it didn't escape him how anxious and pale Chris looked that morning. If he was to be completely honest a selfish part of him felt glad at this, because it made him feel like they were really together in this. It was a big step for both of them to take together.

That morning both of them had went to Ryan, Ian and Brad. The three of them were supportive, Ryan, however, played Papa bear saying "You better not hurt him, Mark" on his best ambiguous is he joking? voice. Mark didn't mind because he had no intention to anyway.

Then they talked to the show's producers, they had looked at them both a bit surprised and apprehensive. On the other hand, when Mark said they were not going public the relief on their faces had been evident. No matter how nice they were as people, they were still businessmen and they had to think of Glee as more than a happy family, it was still a business, and Mark was the resident (straight) bad boy heartthrob. In the end Dante had told them "I'm happy for you guys, but be careful, ok?" Once again they didn't mind because Mark and Chris had the intention to anyway.

By the end of the morning they had told all the closest crewmembers as well, asking for their discretion. They hadn't told everyone, but those people they did share the news with Mark and Chris knew they could trust with anything. There was only the rest of the main cast, practically their second family, left for them to talk to.

That was the group of people Mark was actually looking for to have this conversation with. Most of his nervousness gone by now, the older gleek knew the rest of the cast loved him and Chris, he knew everyone would support them. Besides, some of them were already aware of his bisexuality, and to those that weren't, Mark really wanted to come clean with.

Chris, on the other hand, was much more nervous about this particular group of people. The older gleek could not blame the younger gleek, he knew how bad the teasing was when you're in your first (ever) relationship.

"My God they'll never let it go. They will tease me to death and after that they'll take Mark and Chris sitting in a tree flower hearts to my funeral" the boy was mortified, sitting dejectedly at the tin shed floor.

Mark sat beside him "Hey, they'll torment me too" the mohawked brunette said in sympathy.

"Who cares about you? Once the relentless jokes start is every man for themselves" the boy threw his hands up, to be fair, at least he was giving the man a heads up.

"Oh Chris, Your bravery always makes me horny" Mark laughed and kissed the countertenor.

"Shut up" Chris laughed kissing him back.

Mark couldn't tell him that he was looking forward to talk to the other gleeks, Chris would probably flail in fury if he did. The man couldn't tell him also that the main reason he was looking for to this opportunity was that he needed to make public that Chris was not available. May be this way Jonathan would just keep his distance, since everyone will know that the countertenor is with someone (and Mark will stop hearing the wardrobe team's irritating comments about how good Jonathan and Chris look together). It was not noble, it was not right, but those were the feelings that motivated Mark to make his decision back on Saturday.

The man could not deny the dark satisfaction to be able to say to Groff's face, in front of their supporting friends 'Chris is mine!', well, not exactly in those words. Now, however, he had to be the supporting partner that the countertenor needed and the man was only too glad to do that.

"Hey, tell you what…I'll give you a Salling's love session for every joke and tease you get" of course he would give support to the boy on his own way. He wasn't one to waste opportunities.

"Salling's love ses…is that how you gonna call when we get hot and heavy?" Chris didn't know if he should laugh…or cry at how dorky they both could be.

"Uh, I love when you talk dirty, babe" the older gleek smirked.

Chris laughed at that, he also secretly loved when Mark called him babe. But, the countertenor would certainly milk the situation as much as he could.

"I guess it's ok" the younger gleek shrugged

"Just ok?" Mark asked outraged

"How about upping the offer?" the countertenor gave him these sneaky eyes "…make out sessions + a musical for every joke" Oh, Yeah, that's right! Christopher Paul Colfer knows how to play hard ball. 'In your face… er, d-dude'.

Mark looked at him in defeat, he knew the boy had him wrapped around his finger. "Fine…but the musicals come after the make out sessions. Can't think of a better way of killing the sex mood than jazz hands"

"Yay…suddenly it's all worth it" Chris said with the biggest smile "Soon we'll be doing show tune duets together" the countertenor put his arms around Mark's neck and went in for another kiss.

"Don't push it!" was the last thing out of Mark's lips before he got lost in their kiss.


"What?" Harry looked really shocked as he looked between pale and nervously giggling Chris and Mark, who was wearing a rather endearing lopsided calm smile. "Dude, I didn't see that coming" he said shocked.

The new couple stood firmly together (even if a bit uneasily), hands intertwined, in front of their friend's in the confined space of Mark's trailer. "So?" Mark asked pulling Chris closer. He took the chance to look the boy directly in his eyes and give him a reassuring smile. The younger man calmed a bit at that and grinned back, turning to look back more confidently at their friends. All the Glee kids were there, however they would have to talk to Matthew, Jayma and Jane later, but that was ok.

"So congratulations….Oh my God, I want to hear every sickly sweet and sordidly erotic details of this" Naya was the first to rush in to hug both of them at the same time. Every other gleek followed after her, confusion and shock wearing out and giving place to happiness for their friends (and light teasing).

As she watched Cory making Chris blush teasing him, Lea was conflicted. She was really freaking happy for her friends, and proud of how Mark bravely told them about starting having feelings for the boy. Nevertheless, she didn't like the way that the older gleek for a second locked eyes with John as he spoke "Chris and I are together". There was no need for that and suddenly Lea understood what Jonathan told her about Mark being territorial. She at that moment had reached for her best friend hand to give him her support, and sure enough, his hand was shaking with pent up rage. "Calm down sweetie" was all that she could tell him.

Right now she knew they would have to walk to them and congratulate them as everyone else was doing. So she walked with Jonathan to make sure things didn't get out of hand.

As soon as they reached the newly formed couple she hugged and gave her best wishes to Mark and proceed to talk to Chris (and of course try to make him go red, she was only human). Chris pulled her in a conversation with Amber and Jenna, talking about his and Mark's first date, but all the while she was doing her best to keep an eye on the very tense conversation going on between Mark and Jonathan. After a few moments she just excused herself out of the small group and walked back closer to her best friend.


The Broadway actor gave Mark a very reluctant handshake.

"I have nothing against you Groff. I just want you to know that we don't have to be at each other's throats" the older gleek spoke. He really wasn't someone who enjoyed confrontations, if they could only find a way to be ok around each other.

"…as long as I keep my feelings to myself, is that it?" Jonathan knew he had made a promise to Lea and he could feel her disapproving look, but to see them both together was maddening, not only that but Mark seemed to be going out of his way to rub it in that he got the countertenor. "Didn't take long for you to assert your claim. Do you think I don't know what this is all about? But does Chris knows?" the Broadway star pushed it "Does he knows that this is more about showing people, me in particular, who owns him, rather than about you coming clean about your relationship and your sexuality? What now? Are you going to brand him? Maybe put a collar on him" he snarled under his breath making sure only the other man could hear it. "Are you that scared of me stealing him Salling?"

Mark was not feeling much more amicable toward the other gleek at that moment, but ravaging his mind as he could, he wasn't able to find a reply, mainly because the other man's words, once again, hit too close to home for him to think straight. That's when Chris joined them. To the mohawked brunette's discomfort the boy hugged Groff. But Mark wouldn't give the man the satisfaction of knowing how badly he was getting to him, so he put everything he could on acting normal.

"So now you know" the countertenor told the Broadway actor with a big smile. "Sorry I couldn't tell you sooner"

"It's ok. If you are happy that's all that matters, Chris" the man replied 'I just wish I was the one that gets to make you happy' he thought to himself. Then, not even thinking about Mark, and despite his better judgment, he just gave the boy a sweet (and longing) kiss on the cheek. Making the boy feel touched (and jealousy claw at Mark's heart).

"Thank you" was the boy honest reply, yet he caught up on the tone of sadness on Jonathan's voice. "Is everything ok? Is it still about that person you talked about before? Do you want to talk?" Chris asked concerned.

Mark just looked from Chris to Jonathan, "Groff was just telling me how busy his schedule is right now, so just let him rest a bit". He wanted to grab the countertenor and drag him away, away from someone that could show Chris Mark's ugly side.

That's what it was so threatening about Groff, he read Mark's actions and motives all too well. He seemed to see directly into this knew (unpleasant) side of the older gleek, one he didn't even know he had until finding something important enough to protect. Groff had saw him as a rival before being able to see him as a friend, so Mark knew that in Jonathan's eyes this possessive, jealousy ridden, even manipulative facet of himself was all there was to Mark, and the man really didn't want Chris to see him like that as well.

But Mark's feelings didn't matter to the Broadway star, especially when the mohawked brunette's actions were so selfish and (irritating). Salling was not willing to let Jonathan have even the boy's friendship. May be the man kept him from being together with Chris (the judges were still out on that one), but who does Mark think he is to try to control the boy's life like that?

The new gleek wasn't having it "Actually Mark, ironically, today I have exactly the same schedule as you guys. So Chris do you want to go grab a diet coke so we can talk?"

"I thought you would never ask. Just a second and I'll go with you, ok?" Chris answered with a smile and walked up to Mark talking so only his boyfriend could hear "Prepare yourself Mark, cause the teasing fest has begun. Consequently, I'm not going easy on you. Later tonight we're going old school. Yeah, that's right! I'm talking Julie Andrews." He looked at Mark defiantly.

"A deal is a deal, Chris" The mohawked brunette gave him his best fake smile.

The countertenor looked suspiciously at him, and then grinned letting it go, "Ok, I'll be back soon, we have a choir scene in half an hour. I'll see if I can get Jonathan to cheer up, he looks kind of down." Having said that he turned to leave.

Before he could do that though, Mark grabbed his arm and pulled him back, circling his waist and bringing the boy closer to him, that's when the man went in for a kiss, a deep one, his tongue invading the boy's mouth on a dominating kiss, all the while pressing the lithe countertenor's body flush against his own. Eliciting whistles and catcalls from the other gleeks, and a hiss from Jonathan.

Chris pushed Mark back gently, breaking the kiss…the boy was giving uncomfortable glances around not really having the courage to face anyone. "Mark what the…?" the boy started, but he couldn't bring himself to be mad at the man (his mind a bit dazed from lust, even if he would never admit it)… "That will give Cory's jokes material for the next decade…thanks a lot for that!" he gave Mark a bit of a glare while still pressed flush against the man, "I know I have to get used to being…affectionate with you in front of other people, but…could you take it easy a bit? Maybe not make it look like you are about to rip my clothes off?" he whispered to his boyfriend, a little bit of an awkward pleading look on his eyes.

"Ok…sorry. I don't know what came over me" Mark said a little (more like a lot) shocked and mortified at his own actions. He let go of the boy's waist. He could feel Jonathan's scowl and he knew he had just proven the man right. The sole instinct that had caused that whole display being to make his claim on Chris painfully obvious. So why did he still feel like Chris could slip through his fingers at any second?

The older gleek finally let the boy go and he went to Jonathan grabbing the man's arm and leading him out of the room, completely oblivious to the rage filled glares Mark and Jonathan were exchanging behind his back. The two young men left the room leaving an anguished Mark behind to try concentrate on his friends' jokes and light conversations.


Lea had stood near the trio quietly, observing the scene play out. She gave Jonathan a pleading look as Chris talked to Mark, but her friend just mouthed a whispered "I am sorry" to her. After her two friends left the trailer Mark's and Lea's eyes met. The petite brunette gave her friend a sympathetic smile. Making it pretty obvious for the man that she was aware of what was really going on.

Mark seemed ashamed and looked away going back to talk to Harry and Kevin about their new Iphone apps (and ignore Cory who was trying to give him the overprotective big brother talk about Chris). Lea could only watch powerless as two of the people she loved most in the world hurt each other, she could only watch and hope that Jonathan and Mark didn't hurt Chris in the process, she did hope, but her heart, unfortunately, was telling her otherwise. The young woman didn't think she ever saw two people more in love with one person (unfortunately the same person), but she could not bring herself to be happy for the younger countertenor, because sometimes people end up hurting the ones they love the most. 'Yeah', she thought to herself 'Too much love could be a real dangerous thing'.

love triangle, chris colfer, slash, male/male, wip, rps, rpf, angst, fanfic, possessiviness, jealousy, glee, romance, oc, mark salling, nc-17, explicit content, vulnerable

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