Jolly good, sir!

Apr 06, 2011 12:38

Experiment time! Here be a prompt thread. The idea is that we'll give you a thought or a concept and maybe it will spur something in your brain (hence my silly title). Maybe fic, maybe art, maybe a discussion about our boys; inspiration is like a wayward gnome, hard to catch and harder to hold down. Or if the topic reminds you of what you had for lunch...well, you can tell us that too (I just ate chicken tikka masala, btw :P).

Today's topic is breaks. Since Glee is still on hiatus this week (and many of the schools around me are on spring break as well), I thought it was vaguely relevant. It could be breaks in time ("I think we should take a break"?), physical breaks ("Ow, I think I broke my arm!"), mental breaks ("You broke my heart."), so and so forth etc. etc. Or, in the food category, we have Kit Kat bars. ;)

As always, I would love feedback!

comm: discussion

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