Fic: 5 Foods Chris Will Always Keep in his Cupboard and the 1 he Never Will Again (1/2)

Nov 21, 2011 23:58

Title: 5 Foods Chris Will Always Keep in his Cupboard and the 1 he Never Will Again
Pairing: Chris/Darren
Rating: T (sigh...)
Word Count: 1210 words (this part)
Summary: They love to take care of each other, even if it’s in the most unexpected ways.
A/N: I have no idea what this is. I just like crisscolfer... and food.

~`1: Rainbow Ice Cream

Sometimes in the evenings after work, they’d visit each other, simply because they were the only ones who could tolerate each other’s company.

They’d fall asleep half the time, nestled into each other on the couch or even sometimes sprawled across Darren’s bed following a movie marathon.

But they preferred to stay at Chris’s.

“Your TV is bigger,” Darren had told him seriously. “And you don’t have a roommate… or fucking neighbours… and by that I mean neighbours… who fuck each other a lot.”
Chris always made sure to have his fridge stocked with food for two, because lately as the hours had gotten longer, the days more lagging and the nights even longer… more interviews… photo shoots… scripts…

Because in all of that they’d become a bit co-dependent.

And after a long day of work there was no one they’d rather snuggle up with on the couch with Toy Story blaring across the screen and a bucket of rainbow ice cream between them.

Because Chris knew that even after these never ending days, rainbow ice cream was one of the few things that never failed to make Darren smile.

~2 Porridge

In the mornings they’d usually wake up in a tangle of Chris’s bed sheets and each other. Darren would always smile to himself and nestle in deeper, trying to get closer and wrap himself completely in Chris’s warmth.

Chris was always the first one to pull away, pulling the covers off both of them and bestowing

Darren one last doteful smile before slipping away to the kitchen.

“I’m so tired,” Darren groaned as he finally sauntered into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

“I told you once we watched the first I wouldn’t be able to stop,” Chris reminded him, smiling as he recalled their marathon of Star Trek: Next Generation, the night before.

“It’s okay,” Darren shrugged, “I wouldn’t have been able to sleep either without knowing they got home…”

Chris rolled his eyes, grabbing a bowl for breakfast. “You’ve only seen it three hundred times…”

“Well they do say each time is an experience…” Darren teased, slipping into one of the chairs at the kitchen table. “What’s on the menu?”

Chris poked his tongue at him. “Special K, it’s all I have…”

“Do you have oats?” Darren asked suddenly, looking up thoughtfully. “Brian and I used to always eat them after a Star Trek marathon…”

Chris’ expression softened for a moment at the sudden wistfulness in Darren’s expression. He knew how much he missed his Starkid friends, especially now that they were on Space Tour and Joey was away…

“I’ll pick some up on the way home,” he told him gently, smiling privately at the way Darren’s eyes lit up.

He always wanted to be the one to put that smile there.

~3: Creaming Soda

“It tastes like pink, Chris, it tastes like pink!”

Chris rolled his eyes torn between a fond smile and irritation as Darren burped loudly, collapsing into a fit of giggles at his side.

“I knew this was a bad idea…” Chris laughed softly, ruffling his friend’s hair gently.

“This drink… like… does things to me,” Darren giggled.

It was party night at Lea’s apartment. Chris hadn’t really wanted to go, but they’d been really unsociable later and it was Lea so what was the worst that could happen.

“Uhmm… what happened last time could happen,” Amber had reminded him at lunch time when he’d declared the exact same sentiment.

Oh, right.

Last time had involved mix cocktails and Darren making out with a homeless man because “he looked like he needed cheering up.”

So when Darren had arrived, Chris presented him with his own ‘mixed cocktail’.

“It’s sort of my new thing…” he had claimed. “You should totally try it.”

Shrugging, Darren took a hesitant sip, a broad smile crossing his face as he went back for another.

“This is the fucking best cocktail ever,” Darren declared after draining the cup. “More.”
Chris grinned to himself at how gullible his admittedly highly intelligent friend could be when it came to friends and poured him another cup.

~4: Two Minute Noodles

A bluey sort of tune floated through the apartment as Chris gave Darren a little twirl. Darren collapsed against his arms, Chris letting out a groan of protest as he tried to support his heaviness.

“You’re so warm,” Darren murmured, leaning further into his embrace and wrapping his arms around his shoulders gently.

“Get off me, you goober,” Chris chuckled, trying to pry his arms off. “We’ll burn dinner.”
Darren let out a loud laugh. “Baby, this is why we make two minute noodles…”

“No, we make two minute noodles because you are incapable of cooking anything else and I’m lazy,” Chris corrected, tapping his nose gently and flittering off to the kitchen to get the kettle.

Darren smiled to himself as he watched his best friend go, a hint of wistfulness in his eyes as he leant against the pale blue wall.

He wondered absently for a moment if Chris ever suspected him or if he was just as oblivious as Darren’s dapper counterpart.

~5: Chicken Soup

The usually clean fabric of Chris’s sheets were dotted with used tissues, Darren too tired and nauseous to move them. He face planted into the pillow, letting out a string of incoherent curses, hating himself for letting himself get sick. He didn’t have time for this…


Chris’s voice was musical, even above the painful throb of his muddled mind. He lifted his eyes drowsily, unable to help the usual butterflies as his beautiful friend sat by him, his magical fingers running gently through his curls.

“I brought you chicken soup,” Chris continued quietly, laying the bowl on the dressing table beside the bed. “But you have to sit up if you want it.”

Darren sat up slowly, closing his eyes to prevent the world from spinning. Chris was steadying him in a moment, his hand splaying gently across the light fabric of his t-shirt.

“Open up,” Chris said softly, spooning out a mouthful for him. Complying, Darren opened his mouth wide and accepted the warm broth, too tired and sick to make use of the paramount of dirty jokes that flooded through his mind.

“Good?” Chris asked. Darren nodded mutely as he swallowed.

After a while Chris figured that Darren could manage feeding himself and settled down beside him, flicking on the TV to an old Gilmore Girls marathon and resting his head on his shoulder.

“You might ged sig…” Darren warned him thickly.

Chris just smiled. “I like your germs.”

They sat watching in silence for a little bit, Darren finishing off his soup and Chris nustled contently into his side.

As he set the bowl on the dressing table and dusted some of the tissues off the bed, he snuggled into Chris smiling as Chris wrapped a calming arm around him.

The last thing he heard as he drifted off to sleep was the soft melody of Chris’s voice, sincere love shaping his lyrics, a smile in his voice.

It's time for us to part although it breaks my heart
Oh cause I love you
Oooh I love you
Take care of yourself
I love you

character: darren criss, rating: pg-13, character: chris colfer

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