I bought Goat a very cool bday present...unfortuanetly, it hasn't shipped yet and his bday is Sunday.
And as I was buying said bday present, it dawned on me that I spent way more on him than he did on me and since im shallow(yes, I'll admit it, I am) and love presents, I bought myslef pressies that I'm gonna tell him are from him b/c he'll never buy me what I want and what I like unless I do it myself. I've tried emailing him links and just telling him and creating wish lists but he just buys whatever. Silly boy.
Plus, he still hasn't taken me out shopping for my vday present even though i got money in the bank acct. He is so getting picked on this weekend.
At leats I got training fire ot look forward to. Sweaty firemen, my favorite!
PS- if you hate that bulky discman you've got, why not get a