Title: Mind Reading
Rating: Up to NC-17
Pairing: Zhou Mi/Kyuhyun
Genres: Various
Summary: Twenty prompts of various types. Each prompt is marked at the beginning. Some are smutty.
Prompt: Could you write something where Kyu is the king's favorite singer and Zhou Mi is a lowly servant of a visiting foreign prince and they fall fall in love but have to convince their rulers to let them be together? Thanks a million! ♥
“For my honored guests, the pride of these halls is the voice of Kyuhyun.”
The music started low, strings plucked that had a chill going doing Zhou Mi’s pine as he watched the man in a simple robe sway. What he wasn’t prepared for was the voice the king spoke of, low and smooth, just over the music like water over stones. Zhou Mi found himself leaning forward without realizing, getting poked when he dislodged someone at the low table they sat at. He was far enough away, a servant’s servant to the prince he traveled with. But that voice… It wrapped around him so much that he felt he could almost feel it, clutch it between his fingers and cup it in his palms and drink it.
And it ended far too soon, Kyuhyun bowing, disappearing, and leaving him captivated.
Zhou Mi did not sneak away so much as he was granted a certain amount of time to explore during their short visit. He could have been beaten if he’d abandoned his duties, but many of them were being filled by servants of the king. He had only to say Kyuhyun’s name to be pointed along his way. He imagined Kyuhyun in some verdant garden, surrounded by songbirds and loyal dogs. He found him instead in a small building along the main path, the outside ornate but inside plain. Kyuhyun himself sat at a low table, bent over a book before Zhou Mi cleared his throat. Zhou Mi could see what he had not been able to the night before, the gleam of the dark hair, caught on top of Kyuhyun’s head, the dark eyes that considered him.
“I do not know your face. A servant of the prince?” Kyuhyun wondered.
Zhou Mi ducked his head, agreeing.
“You do not have to stay beyond the door. What brings you here?”
“Your voice,” Zhou Mi said, hoping he chose the correct words as he touched his own throat, “it’s beautiful.”
“It was the gift of my parents.”
“But you are the one using it,” Zhou Mi said, and Kyuhyun smiled up at him. He almost seemed to hesitate, glancing down at his book.
“Will you sit? I have tea.”
Zhou Mi sat, and though he was a servant, he was served tea. Kyuhyun’s words became more formal when he realized Zhou Mi was older than him, even if Zhou Mi was a servant and Kyuhyun was not. Though, he supposed in a way Kyuhyun was if only that he served at the whim of the king. The tea itself took away his awkwardness, loosening his tongue when it was obvious that Kyuhyun did not mind his presence. Kyuhyun spoke more of Zhou Mi’s language than Zhou Mi of Kyuhyun’s, and his stumbles had Kyuhyun laughing, correcting him. It was the lowering of the sun in the sky that had Zhou Mi turning.
“I need to return before it is time to eat, I’m sorry.”
“That’s all right. You have several more days here, right?”
Zhou Mi nodding, standing with Kyuhyun. “Yes, and then we make our way back.”
Kyuhyun seemed to be staring at a place on Zhou Mi’s chest for a long moment before he spoke.
“What brought your here? My voice, or… You did not ask me to sing.”
“I wanted to meet you, to see who you were when you could sing and touch so may hearts.”
Kyuhyun walked with him, came even to him in the doorway.
“Most people just want to hear me sing,” Kyuhyun said. “You are welcome here.”
Zhou Mi bowed, and as he returned to work and duty, he remembered Kyuhyun’s secret smile.
When Zhou Mi slipped free the next afternoon, he went directly toward Kyuhyun’s rooms. And when he found them empty, he cursed the disappointment that swept him. Kyuhyun had said he was welcome, indicated he could return. All he wanted was another cup of tea, another conversation and to watch Kyuhyun think. He sat on the steps to wait, wondering if waiting his entire time away was wise. He could have explored, and all he wanted to do was hear Kyuhyun greeting him.
He’d only watched the same bug walk around the same bush twice before footsteps had him looking up.
“You’re earlier than I expected!” Kyuhyun said, a basket in one hand.
“I’m sorry?” Zhou Mi said, the words hesitant.
“Don’t be. You didn’t wait long?”
Kyuhyun had been expecting him. Zhou Mi swallowed, stood, smiling. “No, not long at all.”
He forced down the urge to ask if he was interrupting, and was glad he had when Kyuhyun motioned him to follow. They walked in silence, assign several servants of the palace before Kyuhyun turned into a walled garden that had a small stream flowing through it.
“I come here some days to write when I can’t be indoors any more,” Kyuhyun said, taking a seat on a bench. “It is something for you to see besides the inside of our buildings.”
Zhou Mi laughed, sitting beside him and staring at the ripples in the water for a long moment as Kyuhyun unpacked plates of food - not delicacies so much as they were colorful and unfamiliar to Zhou Mi. Still, it tasted good, Kyuhyun pouring partly-cooled tea for them in clay cups.
“How did you become the servant of the prince?” Kyuhyun asked.
“My mother,” Zhou Mi said. “My father was a soldier, and he oversaw the keeping of the stables. But my mother worked in the palace before I was born, and would take me with her after I was old enough to mind. They are both gone now, and it has been all I’ve known. What about you? Have you been here all your life as well?”
Kyuhyun shook his head. “No. Several years, no more. The king, he heard me singing in my village. I was singing hoping to bring a blessing to my family. Instead, he demanded I return with him. He compensated my parents. It allowed my sister to make a good marriage.”
And Kyuhyun lived alone in his rooms, bare and empty of life. It hurt his heart to think of it. “But you miss them.”
Kyuhyun’s lips curved a little. “I am songbird, able to fly free from my cage. But to do so puts myself and my family in danger. He will tire of me, one day.”
“Your quarters are not what I’d expect of someone in the king’s favor,” Zhou Mi said carefully.
“He feeds me, clothes me. I asked only for the books, paper on which to write songs. He gives me money, and I sent it to my parents instead. I want for nothing here.”
“But for a friend? Does he forbid you those?”
“No. I am not his possession, a concubine he can keep from the grasp of others.”
“And yet?” Zhou Mi prompted, sensing something unsaid.
“The servants fear him. I am set apart, not like the others. He never is in this part of the palace complex, but I am… different. Not enough for those of worth to notice, too much for the servants and slaves.”
“I am a servant, and I do not fear you,” Zhou Mi said.
Kyuhyun laughed freely at that. “But you will not be here long. You have no reason to fear.”
Not from Kyuhyun, but from leaving perhaps.
He knew it was ridiculous, and still he had to fight to keep from smiling when he left Kyuhyun to go back to the reality of his life.
It was Kyuhyun who asked for him the next day, holding the reins of two horses as Zhou Mi all but bounded out of the room he had been resting in. It didn’t matter that he’d ridden a horse most of the journey, Zhou Mi still made a nose of delight and stroked the nose of the bay horse to Kyuhyun’s right.
“How beautiful.”
“I remembered you said your father worked in the stables, so I thought…?”
When Zhou Mi smiled at Kyuhyun, Kyuhyun tilted his his head and looked away, holding out the reins for Zhou Mi to take. The horse was well-behaved, an easy gait beneath him as he kept up with Kyuhyun either walking through the crowded streets, or kicking into a canter on a wider road that was all but deserted. Flying on the sleek horse burned some of the worry out of him, unable to think of anything but the power of the animal and the sound of Kyuhyun’s laughter.
He slept to it, hands stroking his blanket instead of the silken mane as he had in the barn when he’d listened to Kyuhyun telling him stories of his village, of his life. He’d been sorry to leave the horses, and sorrier when he had left Kyuhyun.
“Finally,” Kyuhyun burst out when Zhou Mi climbed his steps the next afternoon. “I thought I was going to have to go find you!”
That made Zhou Mi stop quite abruptly as Kyuhyun all but bounded toward him.
“Is something wrong?”
“Wrong? Oh! No. I had a good idea last night and I’ve been waiting all day to- I’ve been told that your prince liked my song. And so I wondered…perhaps for his going-away dinner, I would sing a song in his own language. What do you think?”
The thought of that dinner being the last they would share - even from a distance - made Zhou Mi’s stomach clutch. But he still considered Kyuhyun’s question.
“I think he would enjoy it very much. He might want to convince you to return with him.”
Kyuhyun laughed, pleased. “If my family wasn’t… But will you help me? I can write some, but to sing…”
“I’ll help.”
Of course he would. It was no small thing to start from the very beginning, though Kyuhyun had the beginnings of a melody in his head. Zhou Mi hummed, staring at the words Kyuhyun had begun to write, and took the brush, writing a few more in between to make the flow, the meaning deeper.
“Oh,” Kyuhyun said, and beamed at him. “Yes!”
And they sat knee to knee for hours that way, trading the brush back and forth, making notes of music as Kyuhyun plucked the strings of the instrument in his lap for reference. They barely stopped to drink, much less for anything else, and still they were just barely what Zhou Mi considered halfway when he looked up and almost startled himself with how low the sun had gotten.
“I need to get back,” Zhou Mi said, struggling to unfold his legs. One was almost numb and he hissed trying to get himself upright.
“Wait, but-“
“We can work on it more tomorrow?” Zhou Mi offered, and it galled him to say it. They had started to make such good progress with the harder foundation already laid. It was difficult just to stop.
“That’s not okay,” Kyuhyun said, his voice firm, a command. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”
And he actually pushed Zhou MI down until he was sitting, striding out of the room and leaving Zhou Mi in nervous silence. He gaped, when not ten minutes later Kyuhyun returned carrying Zhou Mi’s bedroll in his arms.
“Your duties will be seen to,” Kyuhyun said, dropping the bed in a corner. “You’ll eat here with me, stay the night so we can finish this.”
“What? How-“
“I told them I needed you for work on a gift for the prince.” Kyuhyun sat back down and glanced at him slyly. “They couldn’t argue with me on that.”
He laughed and handed Kyuhyun the brush, and they picked up where they had finished.
And even so, working until they ate their dinner and even while they ate, working until Kyuhyun’s head was nodding and Zhou Mi feared he would put his face on the page and be covered in ink spots, they did not finish that night. It was close, but it needed polish, and more than that, Kyuhyun needed to know how to sing it. They prepared their beds, blew out the lights, satisfied with the progress had made.
Kyuhyun fell asleep mid-thought, tucked away in darkness and an arm’s length away. Together, they were doing something wonderful even if it was a constant reminder that the time grew closer for Zhou Mi to leave. When he heard Kyuhyun sing the song they wrote, truly sing it for his king, Zhou Mi’s prince, everyone, it would be the last time he saw Kyuhyun. He had friends, those he was close to, but no one like Kyuhyun, no one that caused his heart to clutch at the thought of seeing him again. And it was not something he could say, or even suggest, that perhaps they needed a man there who could speak as Zhou Mi spoke, to stay where he could see Kyuhyun from time to time.
To do it would mean losing all that was familiar, his home, language, everything.
And yet the thought of it followed him into sleep.
Zhou Mi could not just enjoy the sound of Kyuhyun’s voice when what Kyuhyun had asked of him was perfection. It was not the sound that was the trouble but the pronunciation, the nuances that gave meaning to the words Kyuhyun would be singing. The intent was there, though, and that would mask any potential mistakes. As long as Kyuhyun didn’t accidentally swear or insult anyone, that was what was most important.
“I don’t want to embarrass myself,” Kyuhyun muttered. It was afternoon again, Zhou Mi having left and helped prepare everything for the day before returning to Kyuhyun so they could continue working on the song.
“You won’t. You couldn’t,” Zhou M said. “Though, this here, these two lines. Listen and try again.”
He sang so that Kyuhyun could hear, once slow, and then faster, trying to feel the words himself. It was a celebration of seasons, friendships, love. Pride, too, in their countries. A celebration of togetherness.
Zhou Mi glanced up from the words they had write, the song still fading. Kyuhyun was watching him so intently, how he moved his lips.
“Again,” Kyuhyun implored him, and Zhou Mi complied. And Kyuhyun joined him.
So Kyuhyun sang but not alone, Zhou Mi singing harmony with him, their voices matching, Kyuhyun’s ear attuned to the words Zhou Mi had been teaching him to sing. It was sweeter than it had been the first night, Kyuhyun singing for those gathered. The song they crafted was for the prince, but for a moment it felt almost as though Kyuhyun sang for him. They began again, Zhou Mi keeping time when Kyuhyun stumbled, correcting himself as Zhou Mi nodded. He watched Kyuhyun as well, the rounding of his lips and way he paused halfway, fingertips reaching to press against Zhou Mi’s jaw.
It was not to feel, not to know how the words were made, but he wasn’t sure what else it could be. He inhaled, intended to finish, intended to focus, to get Kyuhyun to practice, perfect.
At least, until Kyuhyun’s eyes met his.
“Zhou Mi.”
He wanted so badly to say Kyuhyun’s name but he could not even form it, could not force a sound as he leaned into Kyuhyun’s touch. Kyuhyun pushed to his knees, leaned in and lifted Zhou Mi’s face to his. And even when Kyuhyun’s mouth pressed to his, he had no sound to give. There was a silvered warmth in the touch, warm tea on cool nights, the awkwardness of a man giving a kiss he was not sure was wanted.
“Your voice,” Kyuhyun said, as Zhou Mi grasped one of wrists. “Was your mother also a nightingale?”
“You heard me sing yesterday,” Zhou Mi protested. “I sing only for the love of it. Your praise is too much.”
“Was your praise to me?”
Zhou Mi shook his head, careful not to dislodge Kyuhyun’s hands. “But it was not your voice that had me returning.”
It was as though Kyuhyun wanted to say something else, and Zhou Mi understood. There were so many things crowding that he hardly knew which to think much less speak. But Kyuhyun smiled and just the sight of it had Zhou Mi smiling, too.
“At least you were not the prince,” Kyuhyun said.
Yes, of all the obstacles between them, at least there was that. He resisted warning that if someone approached they could see, and held Kyuhyun’s arm tighter as Kyuhyun kissed him again. If there was anything that would linger from their meeting besides wishes for the distance that had separated them before to disappear, it would be the song. He listened to Kyuhyun sing it with both of Kyuhyun’s hands covering his, slept with his shoulder pressed to Kyuhyun’s. The gnawing worry, the emptiness, kept them from more than kisses and there was hesitation in that as well. It felt like something that was ending before it could truly begin.
It was not the first time in Zhou Mi’s life that he regretted the rising of the sun, but that day was one of them. With the song finished, Kyuhyun’s hold on him had been released leaving Zhou Mi to sleep among the other servants, only an hour or two every afternoon free to steal away. The day dawned, though, that left Zhou Mi knowing he would be packing so that the next morning they would leave. The thought had him dragging through each stage of the day, only truly growing light when Kyuhyun rose to greet him.
“Maybe your king will also visit…?” Zhou Mi rushed out as Kyuhyun fumbled trying to grasp his tunic. He’d gone over so many things, so many possibilities to make it seem less hopeless.
“But he wouldn’t take me with him,” Kyuhyun said, frowning.
“Would you stay? If you were able?”
Zhou Mi exhaled, leaning in so that he could press his forehead against Kyuhyun’s. “I don’t know how it would be possible, and I don’t even know how it would be wise, but the thought of leaving makes me more ill than the thought of leaving everything I have known.”
“You found me. You can’t leave me again.”
He wanted to feel that peace again in Kyuhyun’s arms, like he had when he had been pretending that time would not move, that his afternoons would always be filed by Kyuhyun’s voice and the touch of his hand against Zhou Mi’s face. Right then, he felt only fear, and kept thinking. He had little enough money, but he was not a slave. On their return, he could walk back if he had to. No matter how illogical the ideas, they kept coming, and he kept breathing Kyuhyun in.
There was a hush as Kyuhyun readied to sing, the farewell dinner carefully crafted. No one knew, not really, except Zhou Mi. Those who knew Kyuhyun’s voice could anticipate but there was something new they had never heard. He had so much excitement tempered by apprehension, if Kyuhyun’s nerves would make him forget, if-
There was a stir among the servants as someone pushed through.
“Zhou Mi?” Zhou Mi turned, confused, as the unfamiliar man beelined toward him. “Come with me. Hurry.”
They nearly ran, ducking between servers and through a hallway behind where the king and the prince were seated. They were going toward Kyuhyun, that much Zhou Mi knew, but Zhou Mi had no idea why.
And there were people staring, when Zhou Mi was pushed up behind where Kyuhyun stood.
“Why?” Zhou Mi whispered.
“I won’t do this alone,” Kyuhyun said.
He was not dressed to perform, not nearly, but he could not refuse. Instead he lowered his head and listened as Kyuhyun began to sing, the notes pure above the sound of strings. And to Kyuhyun’s voice he added his harmony, serving as a guide when Kyuhyun nearly stumbled, remembering the words, the tune that had come from both of them. There were no people watching them, no speculation important, no impending separation, just the sound of their voices entwining as they celebrated all that was good.
Perhaps it had not been perfect but it had been their song, and Kyuhyun was gasping, leaning on him when it was over. They had sung for a king, for a prince, and all he knew was that Kyuhyun’s hand circled his arm. And it was those same men they bowed for.
Zhou Mi heard only little, Kyuhyun explaining who Zhou Mi was, why he had sung, how he had come to help Kyuhyun with the song to honor their guest.
“Perhaps you have discovered a jewel for the prince.”
It weakened Zhou Mi’s knees. Kyuhyun had been taken from his family to serve at the king’s whim. If the prince required him-
There was no hope.
“I find I write better not alone. My king… I have asked for no one to serve me, for nothing from you but to be able to sing. But to have this man stay, there would be more…more songs.”
Kyuhyun finished in a rush, as though his breath had left him, as though the audaciousness of his request had gotten to him. It felt like his bones ached, waiting, fearing the sorrow that would split him in two.
What Zhou Mi would remember was the laughter.
There were stacks of books as high as his knee, and Zhou Mi both enjoyed the sight of them, and loathed them. He could not write lyrics without knowledge, and that was Kyuhyun’s decree, as though he were the emperor of the dwelling when they were equals in it. He had traded himself to Kyuhyun for a song, a wish of the prince, a guarantee. They would travel with the king to perform it for him, one day, perhaps when the prince had become king himself.
Though it was some small bit of fear in Kyuhyun’s eyes when they spoke of it, a confession that if Zhou Mi were to return to his home he would want to stay. But he had found Kyuhyun, and Kyuhyun had bargained to keep him.
And Zhou Mi would not leave his side.
Prompt: Kyu begging Mi to go to hot pot with him when they are in Beijing? Lots of thanks and hugs <3
“Just listen,” Kyuhyun said, and his tone was like he was trying to tell Zhou Mi a secret that was going to keep him alive. And Zhou Mi would have laughed except that Kyuhyun was pulling the side of his head into Kyuhyun’s stomach. “Listen, I’m not kidding.”
He wanted to joke that he didn’t hear anything, that Kyuhyun’s supposed ned, no, desperation, for hot pot was just all In his mind. He could have found a snack for Kyuhyun until everyone was free, or-
And then Kyuhyun’s stomach growled, and not a polite little gurgle either but like some lion trying to get out a roar.
“See!” Kyuhyun said, and it was triumph. And then wheedling. “It wouldn’t take long, and we’d be back before everyone else, and I’ll let you choose what kind we get as long as we get meat.”
It was a long string of words and Zhou Mi looked up. Maybe he’d agree. Maybe he wouldn’t. Maybe he was conflicted.
Kyuhyun stuck out his bottom lip and blinked at him, all innocent.
“Get your coat,” Zhou Mi sighed. “And some sunglasses.”
All they needed was to be mobbed in the street.
Though Kyuhyun’s growling stomach probably would’ve chased anyone away.
Prompt: Qmi having fun looking over all of Mi's B-Day cards from fans? Thanks!
“Oh, look at this one!” Zhou Mi said.
Kyuhyun’s sounds of being impressed were almost as satisfying as sorting through the stacks. There were small ones, big ones, all different colors. Some had pictures, drawings, sparkles. Some folded out, and some made him laugh, even while other ones made him tear up.
Kyuhyun held up one of the cards with Zhou Mi’s face plastered on it. “Yeah, I think it’s a good likeness,” he teased, as though it couldn’t have been.
Zhou Mi took it from him and admired it. There were so many different places, too, places he’d never been and places he wanted to go. He thought of the love it took to spend the time to put together each card, people he’d never seen who wanted him to know they were thinking about him.
“All this talent just for you,” Kyuhyun said, and they had a brief elbow battle.
“Aren’t they wonderful?” Zhou MI said, beaming. It wasn’t possible to get bored with all the variety. Kyuhyun was making a stack of his own favorites, poaching some from Zhou Mi’s pile, and that was fine. It wasn’t like Kyuhyun was going to make off with them. He saw Kyuhyun put one over decorated with hearts and it made Zhou Mi wiggle.
“Happy eighteenth birthday? What?” Kyuhyun asked, holding up another one.
Zhou Mi just kept laughing. His fans knew what they were talking about.
Prompt: qmi crack, this pic prompt?
https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/10330281_10152392906238180_9204473640444016863_n.jpg up to you who's the poor prince xP
“Are you okay?”
It was a legitimate question, given the momentary sound of fear that had gotten Kyuhyun’s attention to begin with. He didn’t actually even see the man in the tree to start with, until he realized that some of the odd protrusions were branches but human limbs.
There was a man stuck in a tree. He half swallowed the giggle once he realize hey, the guy could fall and then he’d have to cart someone to the hospital with a broken arm. Nice guys didn’t grow on trees. Money didn’t grow on trees. This guy might not have gotten the memo.
A man’s face papered around the trunk, a hand gripping a branch for dear life.
“I’d be better down there,” the man said, gesturing with his chin.
“How did you get up there? Why did you get up there?” Kyuhyun wondered, circling the tree to see how exactly the guy could get down without jumping.
“Apparently up is easier than down. And there was a frisbee stuck, so I thought someone might be missing it.”
Right. Guy climbs tree with apparently no knowledge of how to climb trees to rescue a hunk of plastic for who even knew.
“My name is Kyuhyun. I can try and guide you…?”
“Zhou Mi. And yes. Please.”
“The branch you’re on is the thickest one. There’s one to your left that’s lower if you can get your leg over it and move that way. Then…”
Then Zhou Mi could start dangling down and hope those arms held him up long enough to drop.
It was a bit like trying to get a worm to crawl the way he wanted, but Zhou Mi did start working his way down. A foot here, holding a branch there. He went from fifteen feet up to eight, which certainly took some of the tension out of Kyuhyun’s stomach.
“You’re far enough that if you hang on you can lower yourself down. Like that. Right-“
Kyuhyun stepped up, grabbing Zhou Mi’s waist and steadying him as he dropped the last foot.
“Did you at least get the frisbee?” Kyuhyun wondered.
“I did,” Zhou Mi said, pointing at the bright blue circle twenty feet away in the grass. “Thank you. I thought I was going to have to call for a fire truck.”
The smile on Zhou Mi’s face transformed him into…something else. Not an errant tree climber.
“Can I buy you a coffee as thanks?” Zhou Mi ventured.
Kyuhyun was too tongue-tied by Zhou Mi’s smile to disagree.
Prompt: Anyway, could I ask for a QMi non-smut thingy? Something with one (or both) being a scatterbrained academic who doesn't realize their field is boring to normal people?
Some people - and he only judged them a little - found Kyuhyun just the slightest bit dull. They didn’t appreciate that he could quote from a variety of authors all over the world, or go off on tangents about the human mind or condition. They heard only minutiae and the occasional tendency to drone. Or they heard droning. Zhou Mi heard fascinated interest, making connections between bodies of work that spanned a thousand years or even more. Zhou Mi was the interceder, since when people’s eyes started glazing over he offered to fetch more wine, or stroked Kyuhyun’s neck and made an incredibly random comment about the weather in Europe. Zhou Mi ignored the thankful looks, given that Kyuhyun would inevitably work his way back around to it sooner or later. That was the thing about being excited by something, inspired by it. There were connections to be found everywhere. Kyuhyun’s friends were more aware of how to head it off, if they needed to, fondly exasperated as Kyuhyun mulled and pushed books at them. He was a bit baffled, but not usually upset when the topic got changed on him. If it was something he needed to put down, he locked himself away, taking audio notes and typing furiously to get it out of his head.
There was so much interest just leaping out.
“Thank you for listening to me,” Kyuhyun had said once before kissing him, one of those moments where Zhou Mi thought Kyuhyun was aware that not everyone was as keen to appreciate him.
Not everything Kyuhyun said was something that Zhou Mi could understand, either by word or by concept, but sometimes they rested face to face and, his eyes on Kyuhyun’s lips, Zhou Mi thought he understood everything as Kyuhyun squeezed his hand.
Prompt: Can I ask for a piece where Kyu complains that they chose Kangin to MC with Mi for the new show instead of himself? (最强组合/Strongest group. The show where SJ/SNSD guested in) Thank you <3
“You say I already have a show, but so does he,” Kyuhyun argued.
No one looked particularly impressed and someone else started listing off, “and musicals, and…”
That didn’t count. It did, but it didn’t. Sometimes Zhou Mi just needed a little nudging in the language department, a little nudging in a few others too. They joked well off of each other, comfortable together. It wasn’t like Zhou Mi couldn’t be comfortable with Youngwoon, and Youngwoon had a soothing kind of humor that’d probably go well with Zhou Mi’s laughter and mischief, but-
“Maybe schedules could be rearranged,” Kyuhyun wondered.
They couldn’t.
The deal had been sighed. It was final.
Though when Kyuhyun’s sad face started getting to them, because he knew what he was doing at least some of the time, they did at least give him a concession - if the stars aligned and Youngwoon couldn’t be there, he could be a guest MC.
And for some reason he imagined that being kept secret from Zhou Mi, coming down some special tunnel like he was at a baseball game and bursting to the end of it to fireworks and fanfare. Zhou Mi would run up to him and hug him and bounce, all excited.
Yeah, Kyuhyun could live with that.
Prompt: au in which Mi is stagehand and has the job of 'helping' kyu out of his wet clothes
during curtain call
kyu plays in the rain again so we can have follow up haha, with more time (ie smut) smut
Zhou Mi wasn’t sure if everyone was wildly jealous of him or not, he just knew that if he was any of them he’d be jealous. Some stars could be real divas and Zhou Mi had drawn a winner. Not to say that Kyuhyun wasn’t demanding, but note in a way that he knew what he wanted and expected it, not that he was prone to screaming if Zhou Mi was a second late with his tea.
Though Zhou Mi prided himself that he was only a second late once.
The intermission he was waiting on was an important time. He had only a certain amount of time to get Kyuhyun dry, get him warmed, get him dressed and ready and in the right time frame for the next stretch. Some of that didn’t require any doing on his end at all, leaving Kyuhyun to flip through the script for refresher if he needed and just being ready if Kyuhyun needed anything.
But before that, he had to get Kyuhyun dry.
It was a lucky kind of privacy, a door closed as Kyuhyun hustled in, wrapped in a blanket so he didn’t drip everywhere. The plastic bin Zhou Mi kept to put the soggy clothes in was ready, and he smiled.
“It sounded great,” Zhou Mi said, smiling and tossing the blanket over a metal chair. He didn’t say it every night, or not exactly like that, so it didn’t sound like he was giving mindless praise. Kyuhyun was starting to strip before Zhou Mi really got to him, and had started on buttons but Zhou Mi finished, pulling away wet cloth from skin. He got the shirt in the bin, the undershirt. Kyuhyun plucked one of the towels off of Zhou Mi’s shoulder to start drying the lingering wet from his hair as Zhou Mi blotted at his chest. His skin was pebbled from the cool water, damp over his ribs, his belly. He didn’t have time to admire, not really, but he still managed to as they got Kyuhyun out of his wet pants. And he had plenty of time when Kyuhyun was performing to mull it.
Kyuhyun took the last towel to get his legs dry, laughing as Zhou Mi dangled clean, warm socks. All that skin got covered up, and his job was partly finished as Kyuhyun sighed as he settled in with a bottle of water.
“Can I have you next time I do a musical, too?” Kyuhyun asked, eyes laughing.
Zhou Mi just smiled. Kyuhyun could have him any time.
Any time meant later, after the curtain call, after the crowds had started making their way, after Kyuhyun’s costars had all retreated to get ready for what was next in their schedules. It meant that some days he had Kyuhyun all alone, if Kyuhyun’s manager wasn’t rushing him. It wasn’t just privacy from people seeing him stripping, or trying to get Kyuhyun dry so he could relax before going back out. They had a certain amount of time before they got kicked out, but it was time enough to linger as the theater itself was being cleaned and prepped and no one noted that the door of one dressing room was locked.
Maybe his admiration hadn’t been all that subtle after all, but it had all lead to that. They had shows left together, his fingertips sliding down the wet skin of Kyuhyun’s chest. He wanted to press his lips there, taste his skin. He hummed instead against Kyuhyun’s lips, letting his hands spread on Kyuhyun’s ribs.
“You worked hard,” Zhou Mi murmured, and Kyuhyun huffed against him, grinding his erection against Zhou Mi’s thigh. All they’d had time for before were a few hastily traded blow jobs, or the time he’d jerked Kyuhyun off with Kyuhyun muffling his moans in Zhou Mi’s neck.
Kyuhyun hadn’t just been on Zhou Mi when he’d gotten offstage, he’d been on him immediately, tugging at his shirt, kissing his chin, getting him damp from Kyuhyun’s wet clothes.
“I’m going to walk out of here and people are going to be wondering what I was doing,” Zhou Mi said, his hand fighting with Kyuhyun’s to get his pants open.
“Me,” was all Kyuhyun said.
He couldn’t say he’d woken up expected to being “doing” Kyuhyun but he wasn’t complaining. He had a lot of reservations, like the fact they were going to make the room stink of sex. He’d just spray it down well. He had no more thoughts other than getting Kyuhyun on his knees - on padding of course. He had to protect him that way even if his foremost thought was getting in the ass he’d been squeezing. Kyuhyun laughed baldly at his surprise. Lube. More condoms.
“Come on,” Kyuhyun urged. He’d been ready, so ready. Kyuhyun’s skin was dry and it was bare, but he felt far from cold as he bent Kyuhyun over one of the chairs. “Quick.”
He could be quick. He could be so quick, moaning into Kyuhyun’s shoulder as his test of two fingers indicates glory. He was slick, and Kyuhyun was ready, mowing into empty air as Zhou Mi began to press. Not better than Kyuhyun’s mouth - different. Different in what he could see, feel, how his brain responded, air gasping in his in lungs. Quick. Quick, working himself in, holding one of Kyuhyun’s hips, one of his thighs, pulling Kyuhyun back as Zhou Mi pushed forward. The muffled moans Kyuhyun let out into his arm drove him. He’d seen Kyuhyun flushed, wet, pleased. He wanted to have him in a shower, warm, in a tub, anything. Kyuhyun, wet, and hard, and eager. Kyuhyun stroked himself and Zhou Mi took, and Zhou mi leaned low over him, gasping. Kyuhyun and his curling lips. Kyuhyun moaning for him. He set his teeth at Kyuhyun’s shoulder and let his hips rock as fast as he dared, begging Kyuhyun to let go so that he could with his mind full of him. He could smell everything, taste, everything. Zhou mi’s hips slammed and Kyuhyun’s moan was so guttural, sharp and surprised and that was the end - that was the beginning of it, listening to the sharp desperation as Kyuhyun gasped his name and came on the blanket under him. It made him whimper, pressing his face against Kyuhyun’s back and giving in to the urge of Kyuhyun’s body.
He was gasping still, surprisingly aching, when Kyuhyun started to move. It made him hiss, but he stood with Kyuhyun moments later, carefully wrapping the condom in some trash he was going to take out with himself, folding up the blanket so he could take it home and wash it. While he did that, Kyuhyun dressed, and it wasn’t acres of naked skin that pressed up against him next but it was a warm man, breathing deep against Zhou Mi’s neck.
“You know just what I need,” Kyuhyun murmured.
That they still had a few minutes made Zhou Mi glad, because what he needed right then was to hold Kyuhyun for just a little longer.
Sometimes Kyuhyun fantasized about stripping Zhou Mi out of his gear, undoing every lace, every buckle, tossing aside sweaty undershirts, shorts, his cup. (Zhou Mi had teased him once, swinging the strap around on his finger. “A cup to make sure we get a Cup,” he’d sing-songed. Kyuhyun had only slightly made fun of the equipment it was meant to protect.) It wasn’t so that he could bathe in Zhou Mi’s sweat, no, because after he got through tracing the A on Zhou Mi’s sweater for luck, it was the showers for them. Just Zhou Mi, soap, water, and lean muscle. Every single part of him pressed against Kyuhyun and ready to be touched.
They had to be fit, had to endure shifts on the ice, the burn of their thighs, the punishing hits.
Zhou Mi even had most of his own teeth, a fact he teased some of the others with when he twirled around his mouth guard. They were so pretty, so straight and perfectly looking. The guard helped, but a stick or a puck, it wasn’t going to do all that much against it.
They outlined plays together, sometimes, and Kyuhyun studied Zhou Mi’s hands. It wasn’t just because of the shower fantasy, though that haunted him at odd hours and during the offseason. They were strong hands, strong wrists. Zhou Mi could send the puck down the ice with surprising power, but also surprising finesse, pulling it back off of a defenseman’s stick, centering it, looking for his linemates, catching rebounds.
When Zhou Mi’s gloves came off, it was serious.
Kyuhyun came out of his flight of fancy to a squeeze on his thigh.
“You must be thinking about lunch,” Zhou Mi teased.
Kyuhyun glanced down at the definition of Zhou Mi’s chest through his shirt, and looked away, grinning. Something almost as tasty. Oh, and he knew he was sunk.
Prompt: Um..a high school fluffy qmi please? With a sprinkle of angst..thank you <3
“How do you do that?” Zhou Mi accused, when Kyuhyun seemed to pull the answer to a math problem out of the air.
Kyuhyun put his hands up to his head, humming as though he was performing some kind of magic. Or at least, he did, until Zhou Mi flung his reading for literature at Kyuhyun’s head. Though, at least Kyuhyun was willing to show him instead of just playing around. He was good at math, maybe not quite as swift as Kyuhyun but not everyone could be. Still, Kyuhyun beaming at him when he got some new concept made the tedium of it a lot more fun.
Kyuhyun put his cheek on Zhou Mi’s shoulder sometimes, a sweet gesture as he cuddled with Zhou Mi’s arm. It made doing things kind of difficult since he was down a hand, but it seemed to make Kyuhyun feel more secure. They’d had a scare, six months earlier, not a month after their first, tentative kiss, where it looked like Zhou Mi was going to be ripped away. It had been Kyuhyun that had cried, something wrenching through him as Zhou Mi buried his face in Kyuhyun’s shoulder and held out. The fear had been agonizing, and neither of them had had any control over it. He’d been numb, and it seemed like that Kyuhyun had been doing all the feeling for both of them. It had been a amazing that Kyuhyun had not pulled away from him entirely.
It had helped that he’d nearly gotten a written guarantee from his parents that they wouldn’t remove him from the school so he could finish there. After… He brightened, thinking about going to college with Kyuhyun. Even if it wasn’t the same one, as long as they were close by. He heated at Kyuhyun and Kyuhyun had no idea why, but it still made him giddy when Kyuhyun smiled back.
Prompt: Can I ask for a qmi wolf au? Maybe their relationship is threatened by someone or something..it could be anything tho.. thanksss~
The trees were a poor screen, but Kyuhyun used them anyway, moving through them, past them. Bark caught at the skin of his shoulder when he did not think to avoid it, and he left blood behind but did not mind it. It was like he could feel Zhou Mi’s pulse, calling him, and he gripped at his shoulder as he moved forward. He was not the only omega in the first that night. The man that stood within arm’s reach of Zhou Mi was tall, as tall as Zhou Mi. When he spoke, he spoke in Zhou Mi’s tongue, quick, his gestures slicing through the air as though to emphasize what he said.
Kyuhyun did not understand it, not hardly any of it, but he could imagine. The omega Zhou Mi had taken was different to them, spoke a strange tongue, came from a different clan. He had let an alpha take him without thought, without delay, and Kyuhyun had no regrets of it. He hadn’t just been taken, he’d taken, and given himself.
Zhou Mi turned and Kyuhyun took a halting step toward him. Either Zhou Mi would take back his mark or he would force the other omega to leave. He stank of fear, as Zhou Mi gripped his neck and pulled him close. And Kyuhyun shuddered, eyes on the omega as Zhou Mi mouthed at the mark he’d made in tender flesh. It pulsed for him, even then.
“Mine,” Zhou Mi had said, once, when he had marked him. Zhou Mi spoke then, strange words as he pulled Kyuhyun up against him.
Kyuhyun pressed his hand over Zhou Mi’s heart, feeling the rapid beat of it, inhaling the scent of him. Kyuhyun listened, still and silent, as the omega left them, slowly relaxing as he leaned into Zhou Mi’s body.
“Do you doubt me?” Zhou Mi asked, leaning his head against Kyuhyun’s. It was not the first time his place had been challenged, and it would not be the last.
“I did not realize so many would find you as desirable as I did,” Kyuhyun said.
It took a moment before Zhou Mi began to laugh, and Kyuhyun held him tighter.
Prompt: QMi hunger games au please? With Mi as the tribute and Kyu waiting for him to come back home ~ Thankyu
Kyuhyun could feel his lungs burning as he watched, was compelled to watch. He could have hidden his head, could have pretended but there was no way he could. It had been Zhou Mi’s last year. It should have been the year he was free of all of it. Instead, he was on the screen projected on the side of the building, running for his life. He did not kill. He did not hunt. He could barely make a fire, and joked about tripping over his own feet. Usually it meant tripping into Kyuhyun though he’d always wondered how much of that was on purpose.
And Zhou Mi did trip, and he did fall, rolling down an incline with jagged boulders and slick leaves.
His forehead was bleeding when he popped onto his feet but he wasn’t favoring a limb or his ribs, and Kyuhyun exhaled. It didn’t feel real. It felt too real, when Zhou Mi had left. There had been resignation in his eyes, a sick knowing like he knew he wasn’t coming back.
“Don’t give up, not for anything,” Kyuhyun had told him.
Zhou Mi ran his fingers through the blood dripping down his twisting them and leaving the stain in some kind of modified “K” on his cheek.
It didn’t make Kyuhyun’s chest any less tight.
Prompt: Qmi. Kyuhyun is appreciative of Zhou Mi's chest, his efforts in the gym, and his super tight clothing. smutty maybe?
He knew exactly what it was about all the changes that made him appreciate. Actually. It was pretty much everything, when it got right down to it. The tight clothes showed it off, like a tease, a cloth over some masterpiece. Not that Kyuhyun ever said that out loud because he wanted to keep on living without a permanently red face. Zhou Mi inevitably came home freshly showered - Kyuhyun just imagined him all sweaty and straining, not that he had to imagine far - and satisfied with himself. He knew Zhou Mi’s muscles were probably all pleasantly stretched out. He’d offered his massage techniques more than a few times, and sometimes Zhou Mi took him up on it, and sometimes all he wanted was a living, breathing body pillow to curl around.
He liked getting Zhou Mi sweaty himself, or getting Zhou Mi in the shower, or peeling off those tight shirts and running his hands up Zhou Mi’s chest.
“It’s not fair,” Kyuhyun said, tracing ridges of muscle, bone, the rise of flesh.
“You could come work out too sometimes,” Zhou Mi offered, like he thought Kyuhyun was somehow personally envious instead of offended that Zhou Mi was so… so…
Though he had been six months previous, and a year before that, and a year before that when his chest had been flat as a board. He’d still had those shoulders though, and hugs that felt like glory, and fuck, his mouth-
“I’m fine staying home just as long as I get to do this,” Kyuhyun said, and groped him a bit more.
Zhou Mi actually inhaled at that, like he was shocked, and then pleased, and then laughing, it turning into dirty chuckles against Kyuhyun’s neck.
“For you, any time,” Zhou Mi said, and the sound of it was all laced with promise.
“Does that mean other people get to only sometimes?”
Zhou Mi didn’t even dignify that with an answer, and Kyuhyun didn’t really expect him to. He also didn’t mind, because he was too busy enjoying being kissed.
Prompt: Hi Coley! I'm reread one of your QMi girl!Kyu fics and they are as wonderful as the first time I read them :3 Can I request QMi girl!Kyu drabble or w/e ur up to? Even a spin off from obe of your previous fics is fine. Thanks so much♡
“Some people think a larger number has a lot to do with the size of…”
Kyuhyun heard the first part of Zhou Mi’s pronouncement but not the last, seeing as he’d dove almost headfirst into a bin. It was a bit like having a personal shopper, really. Some men wouldn’t have been caught dead in a lingerie store, or walked around like they were huddling like a crab doing something they shouldn’t. Not Zhou Mi. He fondled fabrics and tested waistbands, completely outpacing Kyuhyun who had gotten caught on the pinwheel color selection of panties, much less having gotten to the endlessly confusing and varied racks of bras. She’d really just wanted something that would fit, something she could wear to work, something that wasn’t going to dig into her shoulders, her sides, anywhere. She’d bought things too big and too small, and had that one, magic one that fit until the underwire decided to make an exit into her skin.
Cue Zhou Mi staring at her rib cage like he had some kind of laser measuring system installed. The next thing she knew, they were in a lingerie store and Zhou Mi was doing the heavy lifting for her.
“So, I know you said white,” Zhou Mi said, ushering her toward a fitting room. He did have something white in his hand but it looked more like a nightgown and not what she’d actually wanted. The bras he had were just..different. Something dark gray, dark blue, deep purple. The band of the blue one was entirely lace, soft against her fingers. The purple was soft and edged in something slick. The gray one was just soft all over with a hint of even darker lace along the cups.
“They’re pretty,” she offered, and he sent her an amused glance. “What’s this?”
She tweaked the almost see-through white cloth and he cleared his throat, giving the first indication of any kind of embarrassment.
“Don’t mind that now. Just try these on, okay?”
He puttered outside of the door while she did just that, even though she suspected he’d have liked to have stayed and helped her into things. He helped her in and out of them at home, so it was easier having him outside if he had to get a different size. But no, of course, he’d picked exactly the right size as far as she could tell. The purple was bright against her skin, the cups were supportive and made her breasts look nice. When she gave him the go head to come in, his eyes brightened, poking his fingers into the band, along the edge of the cup to make sure everything was as it should be.
“Perfect,” he said, and she wasn’t sure if he was talking about his pick, her, or her in it. Or maybe all three.
“How did you know what size to pick?” Kyuhyun asked, pulling up on the straps a bit in experiment. Maybe the other two wouldn’t be as perfect, but…
“I’m the one who has my hands all over them all the time, aren’t I?” Zhou Mi asked asked, eyes sly as he stroked her sides.
Well. She’d give him that.
Prompt: Kyu complaining that Mi ditched him for his Taiwan friends when they were there? Please and thank you <3
“You totally ditched me.”
Zhou Mi’s head popped up, half covered by a towel. There was something like guilt in his eyes, like he’d been cheating on Kyuhyun or something. Which. Well. No, it wasn’t like that. And mostly Kyuhyun was teasing anyway but sometimes it was fun to poke.
“I sat here all alone, all by myself for hours and hours,” Kyuhyun said, petting the cover of the bed they’d shared, dejected. Like it had been the only one to keep him company. It wasn’t like his computer had been gone, and that was all he needed most days.
“Well,” Zhou Mi said, clearing his throat.
“I know I’m not very good at speaking, so it probably would’ve been a drag to have me along when you would’ve had to translate for me,” Kyuhyun mused.
He could see Zhou Mi’s jaw working, and he broke, laughing as Zhou Mi sputtered.
“You’d have wanted…?”
“No,” Kyuhyun laughed, snagging an arm around Zhou Mi’s damp neck. “Well, unless you ate a lot, which you probably did, but no. Was it fun getting to see everyone?”
“It was. And I brought you back some cookies,” Zhou Mi said, finally on solid footing again, and squeezing Kyuhyun against him.
“That’s why you’re my favorite,” Kyuhyun said, and got a nice, long laugh.
Prompt: Zhou Mi / Kyuhyun Prompt: Kyuhyun appreciates Zhou Mi's toned body
Oh, people liked it a lot, and there was no question whether they would. The tight shirts, the teasing little smiles, and flashes of belly. They were all appetizers in Kyuhyun’s view. It wasn’t like anyone else had the pleasure of running their hands down from the point of Zhou Mi’s shoulders and enjoying the shape of the muscles. They got to see the broad shoulders, the hint of what was beneath, how he tapered in at ribs and waist and his surprisingly supple hips.
Kyuhyun didn’t get started on his legs, because there were his thighs, but it was when Zhou Mi so innocently walked around in tight little boxer briefs that Kyuhyun really couldn’t help himself. There was strength to his thighs, though they were still enviably thin. But he confessed he wasn’t composing sonnets to Zhou Mi’s shin bones when he was studying the lines of his back, the curve of his biceps.
“I don’t think you need more muscle than this,” Kyuhyun said, trying to sound casual about it. He’d like whatever Zhou Mi had, less or more.
“Oh?” Zhou Mi asked, half turning and giving another delicious view.
“No. I mean, you’re already Captain China. Girls and dropping left and right.”
Zhou Mi laughed, the sound so utterly delighted as he pressed all of that skin up against Kyuhyun’s rather eager body.
“What about you?” Zhou Mi asked.
And he didn’t wait for an answer before he kissed Kyuhyun, because he already knew.
Prompt: Zhou Mi has many sexy thoughts about Kyuhyun. Unfortunately kyu is a mind reader, but keeps that to himself for a while.
It was hard not to have dirty thoughts about Kyuhyun, really. Watching him eat or talk, watching him twist is fingers or arch his neck. There were the moments Kyuhyun sat down, crouched, leaned over. Different pairs of pants did very different things to his hips, his ass, this thighs. Or the shirts that were a bit clingy, those Zhou Mi liked. He could imagine tracing the path of them all too well. He wondered just how sensitive that Kyuhyun was to touch, if he would shudder, squirm, if his moans would flow dark and ragged against Zhou Mi’s lips.
He wondered if he kissed-
Kyuhyun gurgled next to him, and Zhou MI looked over to find Kyuhyun’s ears bright red and his eyes a bit wild. He wanted to nibble Kyuhyun’s earlobes, and his jaw, and-
He was glad he knew he hadn’t said anything out loud.
“You okay?”
“Uhhh,” Kyuhyun said, clearing his throat. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.”
Good. That was good. Kyuhyun’s mouth was so pretty, soft. He had that thick soft tongue that Zhou Mi wanted to suck on, to feel swirling against him. And Kyuhyun’s tongue darted out to wet his lips like Zhou Mi had compelled him.
Wet like that, Kyuhyun’s lips could just wrap around him and suck. He almost hummed imagining, imagining giving Kyuhyun his fingers to suck on. He could get them all wet and slide them into Kyuhyun until Kyuhyun was writhing.
KYuhyun’s eyes darted to his and Kyuhyun started to see him looking back. Kyuhyun shifted, again like he’d heard what Zhou Mi thought. It was a good thing Kyuhyun couldn’t hear him. He’d have been mortified, or maybe disgusted. It was so fanciful.
“Cough if you can read my mind,” Zhou Mi thought, nearly waggling his eyebrows. That was the fun of it, getting to project dirty images and no one being the wiser, until his pants started getting too tight.
And then Kyuhyun coughed.
It was coincidence, like the darkened flush on Kyuhyun’s cheeks. It wasn’t like Kyuhyun could really tell Zhou Mi was fantasizing about Kyuhyun sucking on him, or kissing Kyuhyun, or fingering him, or…
Kyuhyun coughed again, a little louder, eyes fixed on Zhou Mi’s cheekbone.
“Why are you coughing?” Zhou Mi asked, his voice meek.
“Because you said I should if I could. You know,” Kyuhyun said.
“Did I say that out loud?” Zhou Mi asked, embarrassed. The only explanation he could think of.
“No. I’m glad you like my mouth.”
Zhou Mi almost gulped, cold sliding over his skin.
“But… how?” was his first thought, and then, “Oh, no, I’m so sorry.”
Kyuhyun could see all the things he wanted to do to Kyuhyun, with Kyuhyun, and just thinking about it again brought all those images flashing through and he couldn’t even help it as Kyuhyun squirmed. He wasn’t angry, at least?
“I’m sorry,” Zhou Mi offered again. He’d have to think of someone else to fantasize about, but that was awkward, too. He’d just have to think of nothing. Birds. Seaweed.
Kyuhyun wasn’t angry, and he took Zhou MI’s hand, squeezing it, hard. And maybe Zhou MI had apologized too soon.
Prompt: /belatedly fawns over
http://ask.fm/coleymerrin/answer/114898543222#_=_ you are wonderful omfg /o/ could i perhaps ask for a smutty continuation?? 8D ohoho
Zhou Mi had no idea how frequently his mind turn to random things until he was naked with a mind-reader. Kyuhyun’s body kept his attention, that was for sure, but his brain had always hopped to random things like attractive people he’d seen, or dirty pictures, dirty videos, errant fantasies. Most of those fantasies included Kyuhyun but were totally unrelated to what they were doing right that moment including Kyuhyun on his knees sucking him off. Because what if he bent Kyuhyun over and-
“Am I boring you?” Kyuhyun wanted to know, doing the opposite of what Zhou Mi wanted and taking his mouth away.
“No!” Zhou Mi blurted.
“I probably am that tight,” Kyuhyun informed him, and Zhou Mi laughed nervously. At least it hadn’t been someone else popping into his thoughts.
“It just feels really good, so. It’s hard not to think of you?”
“I noticed,” Kyuhyun said, stroking Zhou Mi a little. And he’d noticed before, to Zhou Mi’s mortification, and about who knew all what else. Kyuhyun was going to think he was horrible, was his first thought.
That Kyuhyun knew he was interested in more than just Kyuhyun’s body was apparently more important, fantasies about other people included. He couldn’t see in Kyuhyun’s head, but Kyuhyun had glossed over the part where he had them too. But Kyuhyun began to suck again and Zhou Mi let his mind roam to the admiration of Kyuhyun’s mouth, the way his pants clung, the way he looked wearing nothing but water drops, the way he moaned, the way he kissed Zhou Mi goodnight.
And it was Kyuhyun who was moaning by the time that Zhou Mi came.
Prompt: okaaaay....... in case you'd like more smut prompts, i had one, but it's... kinda dirty lol so ignore it if you don't like it~ qmi, where they have sex right before some show and kyuhyun goes on to perform with mi's come still inside of him, which turns him on....? WHAT IS SHAME /HIDES smut
It was good Zhou Mi had some idea of what Kyuhyun liked, or Kyuhyun would have had to make strange excuses about why he jumped Zhou Mi before almost every show or concert. It had all started with one time, as it always did, an extra-long wait and Kyuhyun eyeing Zhou Mi’s legs through his tight pants.
The tight pants stayed on, but that didn’t keep Zhou Mi from bending Kyuhyun over the sink counter and frantically fucking him. All it had taken was a crooked finger, a little flicker of his tongue, a little rubbing against Zhou Mi’s cock and he’d been ready. That was the plus of being with someone who wanted him to distraction. He certainly wasn’t complaining, grunting at himself at the mirror and watching Zhou Mi’s desperate orgasm face as he jerked himself off.
He’d walked out onto the stage and nearly popped a boner right there realizing no one knew but him and Zhou Mi that Zhou Mi had just come in him. He was like walking proof that they were fucking, and he didn’t know how he got through that stage, walking back like he was king of the universe. Zhou Mi would have sucked him off if he’d asked but he was actually revealing in it, and when he told Zhou Mi - straddling him before their next show - Zhou Mi hadn’t laughed.
“Oh,” Zhou Mi had whimpered, going a bit harder like maybe it turned him on a little too. He knew there was a reason he loved Zhou Mi. It sure didn’t take them long to get off.
Prompt: Fluffiest qmi fluff about backhugs and how backhugs give me warm and fluffy feelings
There was something about it, warm and sometimes scented with detergent, or cologne, or sweat. Considering if the latter was the case, they were both drenched, then it didn’t really matter. If it was the middle of summer, it could be too hot, sticky, but it was also comfort.
And hilarity.
And joy.
When Kyuhyun grabbed Zhou Mi around the chest and held on, he could feel Zhou Mi laughing with his whole body, and Zhou Mi was like a shield, perfect to press up against. His shoulder was right there to giggle into, like a big, solid teddy bear. One that never made him let go, though occasionally he turned his head and eyed Kyuhyun either to figure out why - was something wrong - or to laugh at him.
He liked when Zhou Mi squeezed him from behind too, whether it was around his ribs - Zhou Mi grunting like he was going to try picking Kyuhyun up - or around his shoulders. He could still feel Zhou Mi’s laugh, the subtle side to side rocking as Zhou Mi held on. He didn’t know if it was the same kind of comfort, the same kind of closeness, for Zhou Mi. He just kind of squeezed right in, long arms swooping around him, a smile not that far away.
He didn’t know what to do and it made him kind of breathless, and sad when it went away.
But he just had to wait a little while, because Zhou Mi wasn’t very far away.
Prompt: Kyuhyun is a huge mitang at heart and has intense and complex feelings watching/hearing Zhou Mi sing. He is an enthusiastic fanboy?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvnefbJT3z4&feature=youtu.be ***
There was something different about watching him rehearse, because he was thinking through little movements, testing out his voice, feeling the music. When he was singing to an audience, not to empty seats, it was like he immersed in it, his movements part of it. Not the dancing kind of songs, but the ones where his heart seemed to melt through his voice, the way he connected when looking out, the way stood. He became not just a guy doing elevated karaoke for a soundcheck but…
Kyuhyun wasn’t even sure what. Professional, he guessed was one way of putting it. Connected, plugged in, bold and sensitive and so many things pouring out of him. It wasn’t just a ballad, Zhou Mi was singing to them, for them.
For him, even if he was at the sides, somewhere behind.
When he complimented he saw a smile tugging at Zhou Mi’s lips, sincerity and teasing in his acceptance, and the easy way Zhou Mi turned it around right back at him. But he knew Zhou Mi preened, a little, and maybe he teased as he watched, maybe he mimed videoing or taking pictures. But the truth was he was focused on Zhou Mi’s posture and the intent of him.
He wanted to be Zhou Mi when he grew up. He wanted to feel all of those feelings all the time, and he knew how lucky he was to see it, for Zhou Mi to sing and look at Kyuhyun with a smile and know it wasn’t from this amazing person to someone he didn’t know. It was only to him.