Title: The Kyu Who Stole Christmas
Pairing: Zhou Mi/Kyuhyun
Rating: G
Genre: ...poetry?
Warnings: (I am not a poet who didn't know it, please remember)
Summary: What's a Mimi to do when there's a Kyu out to steal Christmas?
On the night before Christmas
There was a Kyu,
Who believed Christmas
Belonged in the loo.
Reindeer were pointy
and cake was too fatty,
And all those gifts
made kids look too bratty.
Begone and begosh
And verklempt and verboten,
This Kyu couldn’t tell
His top from his bottom.
He’d take it, he reasoned,
Far and away,
No more was his worry -
That thing Christmas Day.
The tree would be gone
And the garlands and glitter,
The smiles would go too;
Kyu was no quitter.
He dressed with care
Some elf to look like,
The better to sneak
And to steal and to strike.
A sleigh Kyu would load
To make off with his prize,
All that would be left
Was the shock in their eyes.
No more carols and
No more good wishes,
He could be home
Just doing his dishes.
The better to startle
He went in at night,
Gathering all,
To leave not even a kite.
Sneaking back in
Kyu went back for tree,
Soon he’d be done
And at last he’d be free.
But no longer alone,
Was he in the room,
He’d made no noise and
Knocked over no broom.
There dressed in red
Was a man who looked festive,
Kyu’s patience and danger
Were both sorely tested.
“Away!” he cried,
And expected the best,
But when he turned
He saw there was a test.
A man they called Mimi,
Too kind and too true,
Would not leave
And let him have his coup.
“The tree is so shiny
With love and with care,
Why would you take
Without even a prayer.”
People were happy
Kyu saw it and sighed,
But he’d come for a reason
He’d not be denied.
Mimi’s arms flew out wide
To defend and protect,
Kyu roared in a way
That was sure to connect.
Mimi fell to a knee
A tear in his eye,
And Kyu was sure
That his plan would still fly.
Mimi sang a sweet song
That Kyu could remember,
A time from his past
When his heart was more tender.
The smiles of his mother,
His father, his friends,
It didn’t matter!
His heart tried to pretend.
“I’ll leave you your tree,”
Kyu said with a tremble,
Best he be off
Before others assembled.
“You see and you look
But I want you to hear,
To know that Christmas
To us is quite dear.”
This Mimi said things
That made his head whirl,
Ideas that once would
Incite him to hurl.
A strange one this Mimi
There was no doubt,
But maybe just maybe,
He could branch out.
This Christmas thing
Was allowed to continue,
Mimi’s wobbly eyes made
Him want a tissue.
When others awoke
The gifts were all there,
Chocolate and wonder
Alive in the air.
With arms around shoulders
He looked up at the star,
Maybe this Mimi
Wouldn’t stray far.
The sleigh was empty
Of all but some fluff,
He griped and he growled -
But Mimi saw through his bluff.
With a kiss to both cheeks
And one on his mouth,
With the reins in his hand
Hand in hand they went south.
Christmas had passed
But with Mimi by his side,
He wished Merry Christmas
To all worldwide.