Title: Convince Me
Pairing: Kris/Chanyeol/Baekhyun
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU, smut
Prompt: A Kris Chanyeol Baekhyun threesome where Baekhyun's their friend who is reluctant to admit that gay sex can ever feel good (and that he may be attracted to both of them)(
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Comments 47
so many feels!
these three...it's just too much for my brain. why are they so shippable OTL and then tao joined them later. i mean, what?
i'd imagine that kris and chanyeol would be quite convincing. if anyone needed to be convinced, they're the ones for the job!
and i love how baekhyun kind of observed them and then had unwelcome feels, and he thought he was being discreet, but chanyeol knew all along. he probably wasn't as subtle as he'd hoped. and all of chanyeol's ideas on how to open him up to the world of sex with men. i want an au of this au where they really do make him a sex tape oh my god XD
ugh loved this too too much
If they had been subtly teasing him and he didn't know it, he was sunk, oh man. XD (Chanyeol would be observant at the worst of times) Can you imagine Chanyeol getting the camera(s) set up, and then acting almost nothing like he usually does, like strange sounds, and Kris is just staring at him like.... ??? And Chanyeol's like what? /FURTIVE GLANCE AT CAMERA And Kris is like, what kind of porn do you watch? We're just supposed to be taping ourselves like normal. Kris might have to tape them in secret just to get an authentic...erm...performance. XD
i can totally imagine kris's confused face and chanyeol "sneakily" looking over at the camera and it just being one giant fail. lol. seriously, just your reply is making me laugh XD you should totally write this and if you don't, i will. b/c....awkward!chanyeol and kris just sighing at him and sex tapes and dfkjngkrn. needs. to. happen.
...Okay I was definitely not yay-ing that I killed your brain. /revives it for you because that's better. :3
If only we could call dreams to us. ;A; <3
and omg it's so good. and chanyeol omg so much talking when he's in bed with them OTL chanyeol.
Haha. I can see Chanyeol being a little chatterbox. XD (big chatterbox I suppose...) Ah, they're too cute. <3<3
I--I'm certainly convinced.
/sobs in a corner with my KrisBaekYeol feels
Thank you for sharing. <3
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