Title: Angel in the Garden
Pairing: Zhou Mi/Kyuhyun
Rating: PG-13
Genre: AU
Prompt: Zhou Mi is an angel or spirit or something that fell from the sky or somehow stumbled upon Kyuhyun. Hasn't a clue about anything in the human world so Kyuhyun has to look after him.
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I remembered your comment about Mi not knowing how to work clocks, etc, from before. XD XD At least he's not the destructive kind of curious where he takes everything apart, haha~ Kyu probably thought he was trying to toddler-proof his life for a little while as Mi learned. Drink stuff from the fridge, yes. Drink stuff under the sink NO.
I was actually rolling around on the couch when I was writing him kissing his finger, too. Zhou Mi, the most adorable little copycat learning how to be human~ <3<3
“The TV says we’ll know when is right,” Zhou Mi said, and squeezed him. Hilarious. Poor Zhou Mi getting love advice from the television.
As always, thank you for giving us such beautiful Qmi.
At least with him getting friends online, he might get some real life advice~ Though Kyu might have to monitor him for being TOO trusting for a while. XD
It's really my pleasure~~ <3<3
Oh those wings.To protect Kyuhyun in and to hold him and keep him safe. And didn't I have the most wonderful feeling even at the thought of them lingering even as a reflection to remind them both.
Loooooove it!
Oh yes. Even from the moment Kyuhyun's phone startled him, Zhou Mi was using his wings to protect. XD Cocoon of Zhou Mi's love~~ I really hope they framed that picture <3<3
i love the development of their story...the ending was surprised though that was probably because i was expecting more..
but still LOVE IT!!!..me'mng this..
I'm glad you enjoyed it~~ :D
i am pretty sure i've just melted into goo
zhou mi as an angel djgnvjkdf so perfect
and him having to learn everything and how everything worked was so adorble, especially with kyuhyun trying to help how he could
i imagine it'd be a bit awkward to talk about the prospect of having sex while trying on clothes though XD but even that was cute lol
i'm totally supposed to be writing but i can't get started b/c it's smut and sometimes i feel like the room is judging me which makes me sound insane so... OTL but this was quite frankly much more entertaining
ugh so sweet
/continues to melt
Poor Kyu in his little bubble of being unaware that Zhou Mi might actually want things seeing as he is a man. XD You're not alone, Kyu! XD Now to get it off his mind before they go on that date, haha.
Haha, no, sometimes it does feel like the room is judging you. XD Kick that room! Tell it to stop judging. It must not stand in the way of fun!
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