Title: More Than This
Author: Coley Merrin
Pairings: Zhou Mi/Kyuhyun, Tablo/Eunhyuk
Other: Zhou Mi/other, Kyuhyun/other, Eunhyuk/Sooyoung, various
Rating: R
Genre: AU, crime, romance
Warnings: violence, death (not of main characters)
Summary: Zhou Mi’s focus is Heartstrings, a dating company where love is more than just a guarantee - it's in Zhou
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Okay first thing I'm going to spazz about - THE HYUKMI friendship ahhhh. I loved them in "Until You", and I'm glad this one seems to have more of their interaction. Also blonde!Hyuk is always good. *--* Zhou Mi is such a workaholic... e__e But thank goodness for that cheeky angel for setting him at least some sort of boundaries, hahah I love how you've written them.
Also, this.
“I have to confiscate his phone every day when he goes to lunch, or he just works and doesn’t eat,” Eunhyuk said, smirking at Zhou Mi who was rifling through papers Eunhyuk had handed him. “Just letting you know, in case you have to take over that duty if I’m out sick.” This is just the best line okay. I ( ... )
it's 4.30 and i will never understand why LJ won't allow us edit comments.
Or then I'm just stupid and I still don't know how to do that.
Anyway, did I mention that I'm really excited about this? I adore your longfics, they always progress so ... realistically? I don't know, there's just something really enjoyable about everything you ever write. <333
and now I'm babbling so I'll just kick myslf out.
HyukMi interaction really drove this a lot. Especially after M promotions, and just seeing how cute they were. That and...it's really nice to see them with friends! And interacting with people not their romantic interest. XD~
Leggy people. XD~~ Indeed~ And Sooyoung will be coming back! \o/
Yes, Zhou Mi needs to be well-protected, and squeezed. ;~~~;
I'm so glad you found what bothered you. :o I hate when you can't quite figure it out, and then it pops in! XD Magic~ The thought makes me squirm with glee~ \o/
These are lyrics that kind of helped to get this thing off the ground. Some in particular, I was thinking might be nice when the time comes to post the pic...?:
For a second of your life
Tell me if it's true
Anywhere we are
Is all I want of you
On your lips lies a secret
A promise of a kiss
Of something more than this
(you can tell where I got the title. XD~~) Let me know what you think~ :)
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