The worst feeling as a teacher

Sep 16, 2006 09:35

Yesterday I got to Kullerstrand with just enought time to eat lunch before my first group, and the minute I walked in the door I was asked to stop and talk to the principal, immeditly I thought I did something wrong.  He was on the phone with a parent so I ate my lunch quicly and went to find the other special ed. teacher to see what was going on.  As it turned out, one of our studnets threatoned to bring a beebee gun to school (mind you he's a second grader) and said he was going to shoot people with it.  He was suspended and we had to do a bunch of paperwork on it because he's in special ed and can't be suspended for more than 10 days.  That wasn't the worst feeling.

I went to pick up my group of kids and couldn't find one, so I asked the teacher if he was here today.  She told me that he was bullied out on recess and "got kind of roughed up by some other kids"  This also being a second grader.  I got a call to send one of my other students to the principal who saw the wole thing happen and just as he was leaving the other boy came in.  Him mom wouldn't pick him up early.  His eye was already black and his cheek was swolen and red.  When he walked into the room my heart just sank.  Oh, I'd sure like to find out who did this and why!  I was so mad, how can a kid get that beet up at school by a group at recess? Didn't anyone see it and try to stop it?  All I know is that the group of boys was teasing him (don't know what about) and he said, "shut up, leave me alone" from what I hear he was just attacked.  I can't wait to meet with the principal monday and find out what happened.  The other thing that pisses me off more than anything is that the principal was so concerned that we get all of this paperwork done for the kid who has already been suspended and here's another kid who was actually beaten up at school and no teachers know what happened yet?  There wasn't even a meeting after school (after the one concerning the kid who was suspended).  I was already there and so was his teacher, we would have gladly stayed, but when his teacher called the prinsipal about it, he said we would discuss it on monday.  First of all, I'm not there int he mornings, and that's when they'll discuss it, and second, what happened to the kids?  They all better have been suspended.  Oh, it just makes me so mad that the principal wouldn't take 10 minuts and update us on what heppened.  This kid was in pretty bad shape.  And I don't even know what was done--I'd sure feel better if I knew.

That's the worst feeling as a teacher;  helplessness.
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