Oct 13, 2006 23:43
Yes, Magic basically decided last night that my face was his bed. Apparently, he climbed on my pillow behind my head around 9:30 (I was totally zonked out and Alex was reading in bed). Alex says I woke up and looked up at Magic and Magic looked down at me with a "Hi Mommy" expression. I don't remember this. I do remember waking up around 11:00 pm, though...possibly due to a blow to the head from a paw.
Today was a long day...8 hours put in at MOPAC (along with a nice migraine and no Imitrex...and a sonicator turned on. Oh dear lord. I literally nearly fainted from the pain.) Then, I had four hours at the hotline. It was a good night though.
I have four hours tomorrow to do at the hotline, then maybe I'll go get the other ingredients I need for brownies. Alex and I are going to go see Employee of the Month on Sunday (and then I will prob have another four hours at the hotline). I love Dane Cook! ("I always say 'God Bless You,' and not 'Bless you'...because I can't do that shit. I'm not The Lord.")
Well, I think there was something else...oh right. Still working on those pics. I realize it will really only take a few seconds when I actually do it, but I just don't feel like it.
Spike [from "In the Dark"]: "Say no more. Evil's still afoot. And I'm almost out of that nancy-boy hair-gel I like so much. Quickly, to the Angel-mobile, away."
dane cook,