Feb 16, 2006 12:59
Things done:
*scheduled laptop pickup
*um, i guess that's it.
Oh yeah, need to write Caitlin's resume. Mwahahahahaha. ("Does an excellent imitation of a vibrating cell phone"--totally a marketable skill).
Guess I should call my grandma now and such...then maybe I'll do some work.
Ha. Yeah right.
So far this whole trying to post regularly is going ok. We'll see how it goes though when I remember I'm supposed to be doing work on, um, say, my SMP. Holy crap. What? SMP? **Page 53!! Woo!**
To Do (not that ya'll care, I just thought this would be a good way to remind myself)...plus, if Shrn's allowed to do it, so can I!!):
*Hitler project for Abnormal
*SMP (duh)
*Nitze essays/portfolio (I miss my London-buddy Christelle)
*Thank you cards
*BASE interviews
*is that all? geez louise...i don't know
pp work,