Mar 24, 2006 13:31
I turned in my SMP draft today. It's pretty much complete except for one section. 74 flippin' pages. Ugh. I can't believe I wrote that much. My printer nearly had a heartattack. I don't think it's speaking to me at the moment.
I have a package at the Campus Center! Woot. I'm not going to check my hotmail to see what it is (I ordered two things lately) and am going to let myself be surprised. I think I'm going to go pick it up now b/c I need a break before I start reading for Med Anth. I'm reading this actually pretty cool book The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down. It's about the clash of two cultures--Hmong and American--basically causing the death of this poor, epileptic little Hmong girl.
Well I'm going to run and get the package that's waiting so patiently for me and then start reading. Shrmanda, Alex, Suzanne?, and I have a date tomorrow at six for Memoirs of a Geisha.
Amanda: Bah...uh....bu...beh...SCENES!!!!
Amanda: We could go to the Great Room tomorrow for dinner.
Shrn: Oh, sorry. I just threw up a little in my mouth.
P.S.: Peachy with a side of keen, bitches.