Jun 10, 2007 22:56
Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes, ecards, text messages, etc. It was very sweet. James was the funniest though--he called from BWI and was all distraught, "I'm so sorry! Happy birthday! I forgot!" I was like, "Um, it's still my birthday..." (This was around 8 o'clock tonight). So he goes, "Wasn't it the 10th?" And I go, "James, it IS the 10th." Poor James. :-) He's tired from his army training this weekend (have fun in NY though!!).
Grandma divided her silver between myself and Laura for our respective birthdays. We each got a spoon with a nail dent in it. The story? Grandma's aunt...I think it was her aunt...maybe it was her great aunt...anyways, one of her very stuck-in-tradition relatives decided giving a young child (we're talking as a newborn, as a one year old, etc.) silverware--as in, REAL silverware--would be a good idea for basically every gift-giving holiday. Well, at the age of one, Grandma was not very thrilled with her Easter present. So, at she took a hammer and nail to the spoons she had...and they are permanently dented. Poor Grandma. :-p
Well, it's bedtime...I have one more day of work at MOPAC on Tuesday then I'm done and done...even though they are apparently "going to be calling me if they need to ask me questions."
Thanks again for the birthday wishes! Ya'll rock!
james t.,
laura w.,