Jun 02, 2007 18:30
Yeah, yeah...I'm finally getting around to my wedding posts...geez louise. I've been BUSY!!
Overall, I can say it was wonderful! It was so great to see everyone, and even though it was super hot, everyone seemed to have an awesome time.
Rehearsal Dinner
I was afraid my grandma was going to start a fist-fight or something, but she was so good. She wore her "War is Not the Answer" button or whatever it says (now I forget), and of course, Scott loved it...so she and Scott just hung out during the dinner.
Plus, I hadn't been to Old Field Inn in like--forever. Oh, then there was the time Steven couldn't make a decision so Laura shouted across the room, "Hey, Steven, try not to suck!" and shocked the waiter. He was all, "Geez! That was harsh!" Too funny.
I think everyone enjoyed the food--I know I did. Yum, steak and crab.
I'll just put some stories here for now:
~My adorable cousin Jack, after we had just finished walking back down "the aisle," obviously had ants in his little pants. His mom Kat was holding back from running at us, but I didn't care. I leaned down a little bit and motioned at him. So he comes running at me, full tilt, and just latches on to my legs and buries his face in all the fabric of my dress with this huge, huge smile on his face. He hugged me for almost two minutes. Then, he looked up at me and smiled again, and ran back to Mommy Kat and Daddy John. It was so cute! Later, when they were leaving, Jack did the same thing--hugging me and all that. I leaned down to talk to him, and then he noticed my veil. He was like, "What's that?" I said, "It's my veil." He got this cute little kid "that's great. what the fuck is a veil?" look on his face. So I flipped it over my face and said, "See? It goes over my face, and then Alex lifts it back, and gives me a kiss" and I leaned forward and caught him with a kiss. He did a cute, backhanded swipe over his mouth to wipe off the kiss with that "eww, girl cooties" look. I said, "Want to try?" and he got really excited, and nodded. I flipped my veil back over my face and he flipped it back and planted a kiss on my lips laughing. So, so adorable.
~Shrmanda and I got Byron to dance to Apache. The funniest part? Alex's grandfather (on his mom's side, not is Papou) came up and started dancing with us! It was hilarious.
~Good times: Dancing in a barn with beers while dressed in fancy, schmancy dresses--so Calvert County
~Good times: Wedding pictures by a cannon
Ok, well I need to get ready for bed now...but I'll prob most more some other night. Check out Facebook for pictures!!
laura w. alex,
rehearsal dinner