(no subject)

Aug 11, 2005 02:37

Well, I’m back and I’m ready for some LiveJournal Action. I haven’t done one of those good updates in a while and I figure that it is about time for it.

As August comes to a close, I’m starting to realize that soon a brand new chapter in my life will begin, and it’s one chapter I have been waiting for, for a while now. But in thinking about it, it’s hard to not think of the past and the things that have happened to me. There were the great times, the bad times and the times that didn’t even make any sense and I still wonder “Hmm I wonder why I did that, like that?” In the past live journal updates, I’ve talked about school, friends, events, activities, love, family, religion and even more that I can’t remember. Now that I will soon be opening the doors to the next part of my life, I realize that no matter what happened in the past, it happened for a reason. At the time, I very might have well thought “What the heck am I thinking?” or “Why did I do that, when I should have done this?” Or “WHAT!?” They’re all questions that we ask ourselves when things happen to us. They are the “What if” questions that we all ask ourselves after something bad happens. Well, by asking “What if”, what are we even accomplishing? Absolutely nothing, or just some ways that we can use so we don’t make the same mistake twice.

Then there are those points in our life, were we think that our world is totally over. That nothing good will ever come our way again, and I defiantly know what that’s like. I think we all know what that feels like. But then there are the people around you that are telling you “It’s not the end of the world.” And you know tell them “I know.” When in your mind you’re thinking “Oh you’re totally wrong, it can’t get any worse than this. You don’t even know what I’m going through.” Do those thoughts sound familiar to you? The thing is, they are usually right. Actually, I have found that they’re always right. I’ve said in the past that before I make an important decision, I ask several people and base my answers on the way I feel and their opinions, so that my answer will benefit everyone for the best. However, there are those times where we feel that we know what’s best for us, and we do what we think is right, when it might be, well, idiotic. So, take my advice, and the advice of others and listen every once and a while. You never know how if might benefit you, because they probably have faced something similar that you are facing at the current moment.

With that said, I now have the memories that I have made here the past 18 years of my life. Of course, I have made good ones and bad ones. Like everyone, I tend to remember the good ones for the most of the time. But then you do usually have the bad ones that are always close behind. Is that bad? My answer is no. If you forget all the bad memories, (which are probably the memories where you made a terrible mistake) then you are bound to do the same thing. I was sitting here tonight and I read an entry were I wrote something along the lines of: In life, you have choices, usually the easy choice and the hard choice. The easy choice is the one that is the easier one to gain the objective, where the hard choice is the one where it takes more time and effort, but the prize is worth more. It was something of that nature. I remember when I wrote that entry. I know what I was thinking of too. And I remember the answer that I chose the night I did that entry. I said to myself “I’m going to take the hard road this time.” That choice I think may have lasted a week or so, because I was on track to trying to obtain the easy choice and it blew up in my face for the most part. But hey I guess that’s how we learn, right?

That leads me to my next topic of discussion, second chances. Usually no matter what the situation is, the second chance is usually not too far behind. I am a man that knows that second chances are out there, mainly because of what I last talked about. I guess that you could call it a second chance and well it has turned out to be one of the greatest things that has happened to me in a while. So, no matter what happens, remember that there is usually a second chance waiting there for you. But don’t take advantage of second chances, and don’t always expect them to be there. But if your honest, and are willing to try, they’ll usually be there.

So in ending this long entry, I say this: “Remember where you came from, make friends and be happy. Life won’t always be that walk on the beach at sunset, but when it’s not, don’t throw the learning experience out the window, but use it to your advantage. And like most people say around here, “Live life like you are dying.” However, when I say that I don’t mean, “Hey, let’s go get drunk and pass out a while!” That’s not living life like you are dying. That’s risking your life, so you don’t have the chance to “Live life like you are dying” anyway. I will say, that yes I find underage drinking to be completely stupid and irresponsible and illegal. Does it mean I hate your guts? No, it doesn’t mean that at all. I don’t hate you; I just don’t like what you do. It’s like if I like “My Chemical Romance” and you don’t. You don’t hate me, you just hate the band. I have my right to my opinion and you have the right to yours. So with that said, if you drink underage or what not, ok fine. Just don’t kill yourself or anyone else by doing it irresponsibly. That’s a fair thing to say right? However I would much rather say don’t do it, but hey who listens to anyone else anyway, like previously stated. So keep it cool, don’t drink and drive and in the wise word of one David C. Garnes “Wear your seat belts!”

Well that’s it, I’m done for now.

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