Nov 03, 2004 10:04
i weep for the future...
if you voted for bush, even though new jersey went kerry, just stay away from me for awhile... i'm insulted that you would take away my right to decide what is best for my body.
I don't know how to begin to handle this. My cell phone is back but I don't even care.
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Hi. I just had to get out my anger in a nice immature way just like you did. You know what I did the other day? I talked to a friend who voted differently from me. You know why? Because it doesn't matter. People are allowed to disagree, granted that the losers admit that they lost rather than getting uptight about it. You know what's funny about all of this? Jersey gave its votes to Kerry and he still lost the election. It doesn't matter what Jersey did because Kerry lost. He lost and I'm glad. I'm glad because people like you get to sulk over something that you consider the end of the world. Five bucks says that you didn't even care about this election until 3 weeks before it happened.
Girls have all the rights they want over THEIR body, but they deserve no rights over the body of their child.
Another five bucks says that if you got an infection from an abortion you'd be the first to sue the doctor who you're so adamantly fighting for.
Go die.
We have friends who voted for Bush. Some of our friends we disagree with on aspects of foreign policy, but they did not vote for him for reasons that interfere with our rights as human beings (ie. they support a woman's right to chose, they oppose the gay marriage ban, etc.) Some of those friends we disagree with completely, because they voted for him for reasons that didn't make sense. (such as those friends who still believe there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq or those that believe that Sadaam and Osama really WERE in it together.) We're mad at those who voted for Bush because they feel that a woman is a "slut" if she has an abortion, period. It wouldn't matter to them if the woman was going to die, because "only sluts get abortions." They also don't care if a woman gets raped and impregnated, because "God meant for that to happened." We are also angry with those homophobic friends who feel that gay and lesbians are less human and don't deserve the same rights as they do.
You are angry at us for the way we reacted? Look at you. Hypocrite. You attack us and tell us to die because we expressed our disappointment with our opposition? We don't want Bush supporters to die, we just want them to see the error of their ways. Nothing wrong with that.
One last thing. You're a coward. You post on a live journal that isn't yours, tell us we deserve AIDS and don't even tell us who you are. Although you aren't the first, picking fights you aren't prepared to take responsibility for is cowardly. You can argue back with me and say "well atleast I had the balls to tell you you're stupid," but frankly that isn't good enough. So either stay off this journal or stand behind your convictions wholeheartedly and admit who you are.
"Hatred is self-punishment. Hatred it the coward's revenge for being intimidated." - Hosea Ballou
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