Aug 25, 2005 16:44
Today was a crazy day. I had three interviews today and they went well. Kind of. Things are kind of contemplative today. i am sitting at my friend's house as it is Thursday and this is what we do every Thursday and I realize that there is only one more time that we are going to do this. It is weird to get so used to doing something and to know that it won't be there anymore. She is very upbeat and positive but i know that she is scared. I can't blame her. how do you help someone who knows that there life is ending? I wish I knew the answer to that. I also looked at the website that Fairy had posted on her website and realized that we all have secrets. That has made me think about the secrets that I have. There are too many....and what would happen if I died...would people find out about them or would they go away with me? I actually wonder about morbid things like this. I am rambling and actually writing that down was difficult but I think I should leave it. Who knows what's really going on?? Not many. Oh well I'm gonna go and enjoy my evening. and try to not let the thoughts that are crowding into my head interfere. more later.