
Dec 13, 2006 17:25

Historical origins

The ama-gi, a Sumerian cuneiform word, is the earliest known written symbol representing the idea of freedom. The English word "freedom" comes from an Indo-European root that means "to love." Cognates of the English word "freedom" include the Old High German word for "peace" and the English word "afraid" from a Vulgar Latin word for breaking the peace.

Complex philosophical concept referring to an individual or group's ability, right, or possibility of self-determination or political independence. Often associated to the concept of human free will, our individual capacity to choose our own destiny rather then follow the dictates of others, nature, or even supernatural forces.
The concept of Freedom has been defined in very different ways depending on the school of thought, philosophical branch, or discipline that attempts to define it. Many social scientists use what is known as the Triadic Model. This model is not the only way of conceptualizing Freedom. Said model is based on the assumption that an actor seeks to reach his/her definition of Freedom in the midst of adversity. Below is a very simplistic example.

Political Ideology
Agent Goal Obstacle Liberal individual satisfy one's own desires  "unreasonable" restraints Marxist proletariat classless community Capitalist exploitation Fascist nation/ethnic group racial purity/supremacy inferior nations or 
ethnic groups
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