Jul 10, 2005 22:24
i'm marv greely, and i like to freely rant on and on and on about all sorts of different things. i originate from myrtle beach, sc. i flew my space capsule over to michigan, so that i could live deliberately.
some might wonder what happened to the previous owner of this journal. it's been said that he may now be performing in las vegas as a tony clifton impersonator, or is working in the food industry as a coleslaw analyst somewhere near ripley west virginia. it can't be said for sure. from reading his previous posts, it seems like he lived in a bit of a fantasy world, and failed to see things (and appreciate them) for what they really were. so, here i am, another know-it-all, who will likely give more realistic (and humorous) insight into things, and, hopefully, rile up a bit of discussion.
michigan is very different from myrtle beach. there's no beachfront for one, and from what i hear, the winters are god awful cold. how will i ever survive? like other really disciplined folk who come here, i could freak out and get worried about what's ahead of me. when i really think about it, though, there's just about five things that anyone anywhere needs to do to survive. let me elaborate:
1. eat dinner and dessert, but don't have too much cake. otherwise, you might get sick quickly and really disappoint yourself
2. exercise not just your body, but also mind and soul. exercise is not only for keeping off the pounds, but it's also useful outside the gym to keep the the mind intellectually and emotionally healthy. as for the spirit, do things that are yours, so you can feel most fulfilled. if you find yourself unable include these in your total workout, you probably are not happy and could use some lifestyle changes.
3. build and burn bridges (yes, I said burn). building and burning bridges is like using a buy-and-hold strategy in the stock market. build as many bridges as possible, to get the greatest return on your time investment. use time-cost averaging, so that you invest slowly, rather than putting all your time into one trade. don't be too quick to burn bridges, though, as you never know when you could (and may need to) maximize one's potential. do your research. if someone's prospectus really seems to (or starts to) blow, don't be afraid to turn them over to the bargain hunters. they'll get what they paid for and you'll save yourself from putting too much time into only one part of your portfolio (aka you), while neglecting the rest of it.
4. proclaim yourself the sultan of domania individualia. you can only succeed and be motivated when you feel empowered. what's great is that you don't need an entourage, just your self-confidence!
5. budget conscientiousness and whim. prepare for the worst 80% of the time, and enjoy the spontaneity of risk the other 20%. this way, you're mostly covered when something shitty happens, but can still have that feeling of breathlessness that keeps things interesting and exciting. otherwise, you're bound to become screwed quickly, or really bored and boring to others.