SG-1 Dan/Jan Ficathon Entry

Mar 01, 2010 17:28

Title: Daniel Comes a Courting
Rating: G
Pairing: Daniel Jackson/Janet Fraiser
Warnings: None
Setting: Season 7, just after Lifeboat.
Category: Fluff, humor, romance.
Synopsis: Official first dates are always interesting.
Written for: dm_lunsford, who wanted a story including Jane Austen, boots, chocolate, and the word "onomatopoeia". She did not want smut or varieties thereof. ("You can 'fade to black...' but nothing explicit, please.")
A/N: MASSIVE thanks to my beta (more of a co-writer) letitialin.
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended. All characters are the property of MGM/UA, Sony, Gekko, and anyone else holding a copyright to the original characters. Intended for entertainment purposes only.

Daniel Comes a Courting

When Janet opened the front door, she was stunned to see Daniel standing there in a wet, very thin, linen shirt with puffy sleeves, surprisingly tight, tan trousers, and long, shiny, black riding boots. She was so caught up in staring at his attire that she failed to notice that he held in his hands a bottle of champagne and a box wrapped with a large, red bow.

“Will you permit me to enter your abode, Miss Fraiser?” he asked with a grin.

“Uh… yes… I’m sorry,” she stuttered, stepping aside so he could come in… while she peeked around him to see if it were raining over only her house. Nope, the stars shone brightly above.

“These are for you,” Daniel said with a period movie bow before extending his gifts toward her.

“Thank you… I think,” Janet replied tentatively, still ogling at the way his clinging shirt outlined his muscular torso. “Don’t take this the wrong way, Daniel, but you look like something right out of a Jane Austin novel.”

“Good, because Cass told me about your watching Pride and Prejudice last weekend and how much you were both ‘positively gushing’ over Mr. Darcy. I thought you might appreciate a bit of his refinement and civility. After all, this is officially the beginning of our courtship, so I wanted to do it properly.”

Blushing, realizing how much information Cassie had given Daniel - and making a mental note to have a stern discussion with her when she got home from her camping trip - Janet led the way into the living room.

“Would you like a towel?” she asked, setting the box on the coffee table. “I can get you one when I retrieve an ice bucket.”

“Actually, I brought a spare shirt, so I’ll just run to the bathroom to dry off and change… unless you’d like me to stay this way?” he added coyly.

Janet thought she recognized a devilish grin and blushed anew. “No… no… I think you would be much more comfortable in a dry shirt. I’ll just put the champagne on ice.”

“I won’t be a moment,” he said practically running out the front door, presumably to retrieve the garment from the car.

By the time Daniel had changed into yet another puffy-sleeved, linen shirt, Janet had set the properly prepared champagne on the table next to the mystery box.

“So,” he said, settling onto the couch, “why don’t you open your present?”

“Okay,” Janet replied, lowering herself down a tasteful distance from him. “You know, you really didn’t have to bring me anything.”

“I know. I just thought it would be more gentlemanly since you’re supplying the meal.”

Picking up the box, Janet removed the bow and opened the lid, revealing luscious looking chocolate dipped strawberries and two beautiful, fluted glasses. “Oh, Daniel, these are gorgeous!”

“I’m glad you like them. I thought the strawberries would go well with the champagne for dessert.”

* * *

They enjoyed a leisurely, more comfortable, candlelit dinner than Janet thought possible, given that Daniel was still technically her patient and that they had only recently begun to explore their friendship in earnest.

“That was absolutely delicious,” Daniel said, taking Janet’s hand in his before giving it a tender brush of his lips.

Still taken aback by his gallantry, but doing her best to play along with the theme he had chosen for their first date, Janet responded, “Let’s just leave the dishes and retire to the couch. Shall we, Mr. Jackson?”

With her hand still in his, Daniel rose to his feet, eased back her chair, and once again bowed as he helped her rise gracefully from her seat. “Mind if I carry the candles to the living room?”

“No, not at all,” Janet answered, slipping her hand from his while trying not to swoon over his romanticism.

She waited for Daniel to place the candlesticks on the coffee table before turning off the small lamp beside the sofa. “Shall you do the honors?”

“Certainly, Miss Fraiser,” he replied in a rather Darcy-like manner. Daniel deftly popped the cork without letting it fly across the room or having the champagne spew volcanically from the bottle, which mightily impressed Janet since she knew that he rarely drank. He then filled their glasses, handing one to her. “May I propose a toast to our enduring and growing friendship?”

Raising her glass to his, she responded, “I’ll drink to that, kind sir!”

After they both enjoyed a ceremonial swallow of their libation, Daniel held out the box of strawberries. As she reached for one, Janet said, “Thank y….” which turned out to be more of an eructation than a word. Quickly setting her glass down on the table so she could cover her mouth with her hand, albeit too late, she said with wide eyes, “Oh! I’m so sorry! The bubbles made me burp.”

With a smile of evident amusement, Daniel responded, “No, I believe that was more of a belch.”

“Oh dear…. I’m mortified. How unladylike. You must think I’m awful. Now I’ve totally ruined the mood.”

This time, he laughed outright, and then replied with a purposeful belch of his own prior to saying. “Actually, I find your… um… earthiness… quite natural and comfortable.”

Realizing that he was partially making fun of her, Janet playfully slapped him on the arm before once again picking up her glass for another sip of the effervescent wine.

“My behavior notwithstanding, this is lovely.”

“I had hoped you would think so. I’m certainly having a good time.”

As they chatted and enjoyed each other’s company and their romantic dessert, they became more at ease with the change in their relationship.

At one point, Daniel said something quite witty. Janet snickered with a mouthful of champagne and, instead of swallowing, she expelled it out of her nose, which then caused her to laugh uncontrollably as she swabbed her face and chest with a napkin.

“Good grief, Daniel,” she sputtered between titters and snorts, “the champagne has given me the giggles.”

“Ya think?” he said in apparent mock amusement, using a phrase he borrowed from Jack. “I think you need to slow down a bit with the bubbly.”

Although she wasn’t sure what she thought was so funny in his statement, other than he was just so cute saying it, she laughed harder, causing her diaphragm to spasm. “Oh, for goodness sake! Now I’ve got the hiccups! You must think I’m positively… hic… rude!”

“No… but you are rather like a string of onomatopoeia!” he said with his eyes twinkling as he smiled at her, evidently finding her litany of sounds and loss of control entertaining.

Finally regaining a modicum of composure, Janet asked, “What? You like a woman who can belch through her nose?”

Leaning forward, Daniel removed the champagne glass from her hand and set it on the table. He then gently took Janet into his arms, kissed her lightly on the lips, and replied, “That’s not exactly how I would have put it, but I do find all of you quite endearing.”

“Mmmmm…” Janet hummed through another of his kisses. “And I find you absolutely irresistible.”

With that, Daniel blew out the candles.

The End

sg-1 fanfic

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