Y'all are out there, somewhere...!

Jun 19, 2009 14:06

If there is one person or more on your friends list who makes your world a better place just because they exist and who you would not have met (in real life or not) without the internet, then post this same sentence in your journal ( Read more... )


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dieastra June 20 2009, 10:59:11 UTC
1. Your Middle Name: Sorry, don't have one.

2. Age: 35

3. Single or Taken: Single, and a happy one.

4. Favorite Movie: There are so many, but if I go by which one I have watched most often, it would be "Bringing up Baby". Love that one.

5. Favorite Song or Album: Again, there are many, but "My Way" by Frank Sinatra is kinda special I guess.

6. Favorite Band/Artist: Wise Guys, a German a-capella band, they make music with only their mouths, have sometimes funny lyrics, yet the songs are with depth also, they are great sown to Earth guys to talk to after a concert, they started in school and became more famous over the past 15+ years and I'm a big fan, and just came back from an open air concert in Berlin at the weekend!

7. Dirty or Clean: When I'm occupied with things that are more important to me at the moment, my surroundings start to get a bit messy ;)

8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: Nothing. Not even earrings.

9. Do we know each other outside of LJ? Not yet, but I hope we might change that at a convention someday?

10. What's your philosophy on life? Live and let live.

11. Is the bottle half-full or half-empty? Half-full! Definitely. I try to see only the good things in life, and not let the bad things bother me too much.

12. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? Probably not, I am somebody that always tells the truth - mostly because I am a bad liar, and it is easier that way ;)

13. What is your favorite memory of us? -

14. What is your favorite guilty pleasure? Playing with puppets even though I am way beyond my childhood ;)

15. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: I met Richard Dean Anderson twice so far at a convention, and recently appeared in several newspapers and TV news with my Obama doll. I'm not sure what else to expect from life to possibly top that!

16. You can have three wishes (for yourself, so forget all the 'world peace etc' malarky) - what are they?

I would love to live in a nice old mansion. Having space for all the books and things I own.
I would love to own a ring transporter or stargate, so that visiting my friends from all over the world would be much easier!
I would love to travel to the future, just to have a peek how it all turns out. I am very curious about that. Past maybe, too.

17. Can we get together and make a cake? Yes, I'd like that! And not only making it, but also eating!

18. Which country is your spiritual home? When I travelled to England three years ago, I felt immediately at home there. And I did not want to leave. Same happened when I travelled to Vancouver last year. Can I have both?

19. What is your big weakness? Sweets of all kind!

20. Do you think I'm a good person? Judging from how little I know about you I'd say yes!

21. What was your best/favorite subject at school? Art. Have painted and drawn all my life.

22. Describe your accent! LOL When speaking English I have a German accent of course (that th is really killing me) but on top of that I also have my local accent, which is Saxonian. Most other Germans mock us for speaking like that, but I am proud of it! If you wanna listen to an example, there is a song (it is sung in English) which has one Saxonian word in it: Maschendrahtzaun, which means wire mesh fence. You'll find it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=629q_ciXx4A


and the rest (was over the limit) dieastra June 20 2009, 11:00:21 UTC
23. If you could change anything about me, would you?
It is my philosophy that I don't try to change people, because everyone has the right to be her/himself without interference. I ask the same for me.

24. What do you wear to sleep?
Pajamas. Unless it is really really hot.

25. Trousers or skirts?
I am definitely no skirts girl. No highheels, either, or make-up, or... *shrugs*

26. Cigarettes or alcohol?
Never tried a cigarette, and can count the times I drink alcohol during a year on one hand ;)

27. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? (If you have no idea, just say something crazy, it'll entertain me!)
I think I'd like to play with puppets with you,and introduce you into the fun!

28. Will you repost this so I can fill it out for you?
Already have ;)


Re: and the rest (was over the limit) colej55 June 20 2009, 19:18:42 UTC
1. Is that typical of your country or just a decision on your parents' part? Come to think of it, I don't know if my grandmother or great grandmother had middle names. They were from Austria-Hungary.
2. I vaguely remember 35! Stay young, my dear, because it is one of your most endearing qualities. (Otherwise we wouldn't get to enjoy Action Figure Theater.)
4. Good choice!
5. Definitely!
6. Sounds very interesting. There are British groups like that.
7. That's an understatement around here!
9. I would die to get my hands on tickets to Gabit's RDA event in Vancouver next year, where we could meet up. Maybe if the money tree blooms....
10. Good answer!
12. I'm probably the world's worst liar, so I'm honest 99.9% of the time. But I wouldn't want something to hurt you if you knew it. (Like gossip, etc.)
15. Definitely hard acts to follow!
16. Perfect wishes! Can I join you on your adventures and rent a room in your mansion?
18. I don't see why not. If you can afford that mansion, then you can afford to hop back and forth between homes in England and B.C.
21. I am a musician, so I'm "artsy" but drawing and painting original work (unless it's architectural line drawing) are definitely not my forte. I'm a decent copy artist, though. Not the same, sadly.
22. The Saxonian accent is lovely, so be proud of it and never let it go!
23. Totally fair!
25. Absolutely! In fact, I cut up my last pair of pantyhose yesterday to tie up some tomato plants. ;-)
27. Do we have to wait for my last day? I had a clown marionette as a kid and never could work it right. Now, I want it back!

Thanks for responding to the meme. Sorry it took so long to get it up on my LJ. I look forward to meeting you at an SG-1 event. This time, we'll know to look for each other. I wish I had known you during Avalon. We'd have had a blast!


Re: and the rest (was over the limit) dieastra June 20 2009, 20:04:38 UTC
Oh, so many answers! Let's see:

1. I'm not quite sure. My father has two names, I don't know about my mother right now. It could be an Eastern/Western Germany thing, though. I mean, I am not christened either. It just wasn't usual in Eastern Germany. My mother once said, she thought one name was enough. It never occured to me to ask friends about theirs, but I know somebody (from Western Germany) who was born in 1982 and has two.
2. I don't think I'll ever grow up ;)
4. It cracks me up every time, even though I know all the lines.
6. Yeah, it is quite fascinating. They once gave some concerts in America, I have an English interview with some English songs in there, if you are interested.
7. It's an understatement around here, too, if I'm honest - I just tried to put it nicely ;)
10. I just want to be left alone! I had hard days in school, since I always was the odd one sticking out. Why can't people just mind their own business? The world would be a much more peaceful place if everybody did that - or if everybody was like me.
12. But then it could happen I hear it somewhere else and am mad at you for not telling me earlier, so that I could do something against it. Trust me, it is not worth the trouble. And if you start with one lie, you have to put another and another after that, it never ends.
16. Oh yeah! That would be fun. You don't need to rent, you can get it for free. Seriously, I always was in awe of the Bruce Wayne (Batman) mansion. I also want a butler, of course. Otherwise it would be a bit empty in there.
18. Good thinking!
21. Architectural line drawing? Squee! That's what I do for a living! Well, actually not architectural, it is more engineering. I draw the concrete and the steel that goes into. We get the plans from the architects and have to tell them, where pillars and joists should be, for the building to be safe. Because architects don't seem to like those ;)
And it is perfect for me, since my original work is also limited. I liked still lives, but suck at people or animals. Especially if they move all the time. But I remember that in kindergarten drawing was my favourite pastime. I am also artsy in general, making things from scratch, I make a lot for my puppets also, and did all my childhood. I painted stones, for example. You look which animal this stone could be, and then paint it accordingly. I also love to collect shells and make things with them.
At the age of 16 I built myself a complete K.I.T.T. car only from plywood and cardboard! http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q227/DieAstra/KITT/

I also remember once making an Indian costume for carnival. So, I am very inventive, and make new things from old things. Once I started to read and write Stargate fanfictions a few years ago, I have not drawn anything, though.
22. I won't!
23. Could you please tell that my mother? ;)
25. LOL It's nice to learn we have so much in common!
27. You're right, we shouldn't wait that long. Life's too short and all that.

No problem, I know what RL can be. And I'll try for that GABIT-event, but it will be hard, with so few tickets. I met some online friends at Avalon, so I wasn't alone, and I think you would have fit into our group very nicely (most of them were your age, anyway). So, I'll hope one day we'll meet, if your various illnesses allow? Tell them to leave you the heck alone!


Re: and the rest (was over the limit) colej55 June 20 2009, 21:11:59 UTC
10. I'm not sure the world would be ready for more than one of me, but I try to treat everyone with kindness and dignity. I goof up badly occasionally, but I am then genuinely sorry.
12. Yeah, that's a tough one. I would probably defend you to the hilt and threaten to hurt anyone who hurts you. Lying is always a bad idea and telling only part of what you know is still a lie. You get extra points for that one!
16. I've always worked as a domestic, so I could be your maid!
21. Very cool occupation! I worked construction and remodeling on the side for extra money. The drawings were a snap and I loved doing dioramas in school. I would draw elaborate, to scale cityscape's. I still do drawings of woodworking projects, etc. I love my tri-ruler! Also, when I was a kid, we didn't watch TV. On rainy days, Mom would give us cardboard, colored paper, scissors, tape, and glue. I would make Indian villages with tee pees, buildings, etc. I like to sew because I am very visual and mechanically inclined. I used to make Halloween costumes for my dogs and covers for my furniture. I also have always done dimensional wood carving as a hobby. I've dabbled in water colors, but I'm certainly no artist! And I have two books on painting stones! I want to learn how to do that really badly!!!
23. Sure, how do I get in touch with her? Why can't our parents be content with us just as we are if we're good people?

Here's to hoping we both make it to RDA's GABIT event!


Re: and the rest (was over the limit) dieastra July 1 2009, 22:08:22 UTC
21. You describe some very cool and interesting things! And I can relate to everything. I am definitely elaborate also. That's why I never had any luck with water colors, because they didn't do what I wanted them to do. I much more prefer the comic style. Not that I can draw it very well, but I like accurate black outlines somehow ;)

That's why I think my job is perfect for me. You need accuracy for it.

Indian villages, eh? I think you'll like my today's post. I made it especially for you. Though it took me a while to figure out what you meant with tee pees. In Germany they are spelled "tipis", you know? ;) But thanks to you I now have the accurate spelling in my post. Hope you like it!

(Friday they sell the GABIT event, btw.)


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