(no subject)

Jan 18, 2005 12:45

My laptop and I still have not found the right moment to reunite. This is especially irksome now because they finished working on it, but instead of shipping the thing back to the store (as I was under the impression that this was the way it was to "go down") they shipped it to my house in Spokane. So, it probably won't arrive there until today or tomorrow and then my mother will have to pay a fortune to ship it out to me when she gets it. In the end, it all probably means that I will be without it for an extra week.

The weekend was OK...I saw both "Elektra" and "In Good Company". "Elektra" was good...not really a buyer, but much better than the 1/2 star review the Seattle Times gave it (I've never even heard of a movie getting less than one star until now). "In Good Company" was good too; cute but not entirely cliche, which I admire in romantic comedies.

I got really drunk on Sunday. It was fun at the time, and I had a lovely AB FAB moment when I rolled out of the car onto the ground (and to know me is to know that I have always wanted to experience this magic). The morning after was awful...I spent two hours vomitting. It was mostly water, and then dry heaving, and then some kind of stomach lining or mucus. I'm not entirely sure, and I think knowing for certain my send me back to my former state. Right now, the thought of alcohol evokes a feeling very similar to the one that tingles inside whenever a Linkin Park song comes on the radio. It was really not worth it.

I finished "Please Kill Me", which I *loved* and also read "Slaughterhouse Five" by Kurt Vonnegut, another great read. I am now reading two books: "100 Strokes of the Brush Before Bed", essentially a very well written work of pornography (the book flap uses the term "sexual awakening", if that is any indication) and this book I got from the library called "Fruit". It's a very odd sort of novel, but cute and funny, not necessarily something I want to be seen reading at school (hence the two books at once). Plus it's a big ol' hardback and I hardly have room for that in my dressed up messenger bag when I have to carry 3 journalism books to class on Mondays and Wednesdays.

My piercing is apparently angry with me as it has fallen out twice in the last few days. The first time it was a bitch to put back in and I actually dropped the ball down the drain of the sink...I was so frustrated that I stormed out of the house into the snow and smoked (which I rarely ever do) until I calmed down. It just felt like another thing that was not going right. Anyways, after hours of twisting and manipulating my lip, I finally got it back in only for it to fall back out this morning. But it was a quick fix today, thank god, since i had a meeting to get to.

The meeting was a journalism advising session...I am now officially a journalism premajor. I have to spend a quarter working for the newspaper in the spring, and then I can declare my major. I should probably get on declaring my English major as well, too, but I feel glad that I got something done with respect to my academic future.

Anyways, diary (because I love to talk to online), I should be off to read for English class tomorrow and perhaps peruse over the lab I have in an hour. Life just doesn't get more juicy and fresh than this.
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