[1]Ghost Rider
[1]The Dark Knight
[3]The Meloncholy of Suzumiya Haruhi (Haruhi, Mikuru, Yuki)
[1]D. Gray-Man (Chomsuke)
[1]Kadaj FF7 Doujinshi "Positron"
[1]Kingdom Hearts 2 manga (Hayner)
Colored Manga pages(some of the colored pages are rather big so apologies for any lag)
[1]Chomsuke = D. Gray-Man
[2]Saiyuki = Konzen and Sanzo
[1]Kadaj = FF7 doujinshi "Positron"
[1]Roxas = Kingdom Hearts
the rest are
here in my comm
now that i have that done lol. i hate going to the library, you're put on a freaking time limit and its not enough time to get done everything that needs to be gotten done. *sigh* oh well next week around the 7th i will be starting classes again for the spring term at North Florida Community College, and i'll have more time on the computer at the college library to do the stuff i need to do.
and for the new year i'm changing my layout,a penelo layout made by
yuffie_kisaragi from her comm.
all_creationalso just a small edit: credit
refuted for the layout code ^__^;;;
lol i love this penelo layout ^__^ ♥
well thats pretty much all for now. i may update later in the week if i get the chance to get to the library
later everyone ^___^
and this journal is locked and friends only, well semi-locked anyay there will be the occasional public post. let me know if you want to friend