Short term goals

Jun 01, 2007 10:33

I've decided to put a list of my short term goals to paper...well so to speak...
but I figured if they are written down for the public to see, I'll have to make good on them or else just jump of a cliff or something. So without further ado...

I. Make the ultimate list of possible resume items
A. Compile all the riffraff of what I've done the past 8 years under one roof
1. make at least 3 resumes with different goals and job interests
2. have these resumes proof read
3. review my cover letter and make any needed adjustments
4. proofread proofread proofread!

B. Research night classes for both Law School and the MBA program
1. Does law school have a night program?
a. if so, look into retaking the lsat for any necessary improvement
b. call the school for information
c. look into transfering Michael's if necessary

2. Review the MBA program
a. do i still need to take classes pre-enrollment?
b. can I take these at IVCC?
c. sign up for the GMAT and look into any classes/study guides

C. Sign up for Insurance
a. research coverage

Alright, that will do for now. I think. Now if I can just have lots of time to get all this worked on...freakin Michaels....
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