Feb 24, 2007 22:09
Umm, happy birthday to myself?
Ok, I lied, my birthday isn't until tomorrow. Not that it matters, because I will spend its entirety attempting to drive my ass to Oswego, putting up with a bunch of douche-bags, then attempting to again get home without dying.
I don't understand why jobs now a days come equipped with a resident douchebag? (subways excluded).
Or why corporate anything has the common sense of...wait what am I saying? Corporate America isn't about making work easy...and its not really about customer satisfaction...its all about making the customer happy in order to keep them buying product, no matter the discomfort to employees...and at the least amount of cost to corporate.
sorry, that must be the word of the day, confetti keeps falling from the sky every time I type it.
Luckily, I have interview number 2 on Thursday. During one of my recent nervous break-downs/alcohol binges, I randomly applied to about 4 jobs. One of them replied back, and though it was in Chicago, I hauled myself down there, because any job that pays salary has to be better than working base-pay sales. It was one of those cattle call interviews, and to my dismay, interviews were being held two at a time. I got called in with this gorgeous 20 something chick who had this glorious resume and had all these great things in common with our relatively attractive young interviewer man. Great. "Here I am," thought I, "Looking 12, dazed, with only a minorly impressive resume."
Of all the times I wished I didn't look 12...
So while interviewer and hot resume chick bonded on their love of snowboarding, I imagined taking a leap through the window of the 7th floor office we were in...
So he asks hot chick about 6 questions, laughing, going on, and then turns to me and says, oh yeah, a few questions for you...
asks me about 2 questions, where I ramble on about my "hero in life"...praying secretly that God would take pity and smite me.
So i suck it up and pretend its the greatest day of my life, and there is nothing more I'd rather be doing than sitting in this office with this chick and this interviewer man.
2 hours later, between me embarrassing the hell out of myself trying to catch a damn taxi, and instead deciding to walk to the train station so people would stop pointing and laughing, and being stuck on the train next to an old guy who kept making weird hacking noises and falling asleep, I got a phone call from the company (which said they'd call us regardless of being bumped up to the second interview or not) and prepared my gracious letdown voice, and he says
"We'd like to see you for the second interview, I was impressed with your resume"
At this I had to choke back any astonished gasps trying to work their way out.
So, to make this long story shorter, I have an interview again with this company, and I really hope it goes well, because dead end jobs don't do much for the spirit...no sir.
p.s., natalia, if you read this, you need to give me a guide to "not looking like a complete small town dumb ass in the city".