Aug 04, 2005 13:36
All I have been doing for the last week is working on Fresh Fest at King for Student Council. It's been kind of stressful but fun. And I'm becoming best friends with JD... haha. That kid is too funny. We hung out last night and had lots of fun. I missed the Sarahs & Krista and all them.
First me & Franey went to the mall and tried on dresses. That was fun because we always go together. She found a cute one but I don't know if she's going back to get it or not. Then we hung out with David, Patrick, & John Michael for a little while... that was interesting.
Then we were at King and left notes on all the football player's cars :) It was funny because this weird guy was watching us in his car and he was kind of creepy.
Then we went over to Acosta's and hung out for a little bit. Marlana & Karen showed up and then I drove everyone to get dinner. My car is much smaller than I'm used to. Josh Sturges called so we all talked to him and then started working on the dress code skit for Fresh Fest... yikes. Of course Sarah is going to humiliate me and make me look fabulously stupid, but I guess we all are. So all I've done today is make the CD for the skit and go to the store.
Now I'm making cookies for Mr. Sanders because the other day when I got my schedule changed I think I made him REALLY mad! HaHa! Oh well! He was nice to me yesterday!! Ok I gotta leave to go find my sister!
This whole thing was totally pointless. :)