Jan 10, 1999 16:39
Since someone keeps posting then blocking I had to get creative.
((*Shade-Hero-Project-X 1 hour ago
Oh yes, Coldwin was being real reasonable by calling me a horse's ass and telling me to saddle up. ))
Yup I was. I could have called you a pretentious bratty drama queen who keeps stirring the shit then getting mad when shes called on it. Instead I went for a milder metaphor.
((And I suppose Cheezey was also being reasonable by posting that stupid picture with that news report of Darkwing being gay. ))
Hey that was my idea! Credit where its due, geez.
((You even try to lie and say that she just did it based on a whim. ))
My whim :) I still think its one of my better ones, funny and subtle.
((After everything that went down? I'm not stupid. ))
Yes, yes you are. You keep doing the same shit over and over and expecting diffrent results, how is that not stupid?
((I also know that you got a big kick out of it as did Zebeckras and Snark.))
And lots of others on DA :) You’re famous on the interweb. I even had people in the Tcat and Voltron fandoms drop me lines after seeing the wank.
((You know, if you really understood then you wouldn't have joined the crowd and laughed with them. You would have understood that when it was all going down. ))
What if we understood and it was funny as hell, can we laugh then?
((If I worded it wrong fine tell me that! But then tell me that. ))
We did, this time and in the past, and every time you throw a shit fit, make snarky posts then delete them and baww some more.
((Don't frickin' assume that I hate gays when I've stated several times that I don't hate gays or lesbians but, do people care to read or understand that? No. They just took my words and twisted them around.))
Yea, qouting you directly was twisting your words. You never did explain why gay is a ‘darker path’
((What also pissed me off was that Mal was online and watching everyone have a go at me and yet she did nothing to step in and tell people to back down in the slightest. Isn't an admin's job suppose to be keeping the peace and keeping it fair? She claims that she always tries to only step in when things get out of hand well, it did and she did nothing.))
You posted a passive agressive rant in the flames section and thought no one would have the balls to call you on it. Its like the last thread where Mal pointed out Darkwarrior gave the first volly. You can’t start shit and expect it to slide.
((Hmph, I don't see any of them apologizing. ))
I’m sorry you’re a tool.
((Why don't you go talk to your friends first before coming to me? I've already stated several times that I don't hate gays and that I was merely trying to point out that a new fan was confused and thought that the characters were gay because people like drawing them sleeping together in bed. ))
You say you have no problems with Gays, but then say gay material is keeping people away from fandom, do you honestly not see the contradiction?
((I agreed with the girl because she brought up a good point. Plus, my other reason was because I grew up with these characters and it really bugged me to see people draw them that way. ))
How nice for you. If you don’t like it don’t look, its simple.
((I've kept that quiet and turned the other cheek until now because it was affecting new fans.))
Ok about this 13 year old, my autistic son who is 6 can navigate the web to find his favorite sites, and this 13 yearold cant use google? Sounds to me like she needs the special needs class.
((Everyone seems to think the girl is stupid for assuming that because she saw some fan art that that's what the entire show is about. ))
We don’t seem anything, we do think it.
((She's 13 and it was one of the first pictures she's seen of it! ))
Google is your friend.
((You're really going to call a 13 year old kid stupid for thinking that when there's an entire group for DW slash? give her a break.))
No, youth is no excuse for stupid. If it was I would have to over look people like you.
((So, wait, lemme get this right. ))
Thatd be a first.
((You want me to apologize and say I'm wrong to the people who jumped down my throat,))
No, we want you to apologize to the gay members of our community for slamming them as a ‘darker way’ and implying they don’t have a right to fandom because others cant use the back button.
((kicked me when I was down, insulted me, ))
Truth hurts, don’t be an ass, don’t get treated like one.
((assumed that because I don't like DW slash ))
Oh good god, no one cares you don’t like slash, I don’t like slash, your missing the point entirely.
((that I hate all gays and laughed both to my face and behind my back? ))
It all looked to your face to me. At least no one posted in your journal then blocked comments.
((Sorry but, I'm not going to apologize to people who got a good laugh out of my misery instead of working with me to correct it.))
People did work with you, then you brought it to the public board in a passive aggressive whiney manner.
((I don't always put my words right.))
Then you should work on your social skills.
((I've been at the Old Haunt for over a year.))
Generally whining and causing drama.
((That was plenty of time to pick up on that and to realize that if I do come off as offensive that I don't mean it that way. ))
Plenty of time for you to learn for your mistakes and become a productive member of the community.
((Some people got it right off the bat. I can think of five people (though I won't name them to protect them from the vicious blood thirsty pack lead by Coldwin)))
Hey cool, I gots a pack. I wonder if I can get some members only jackets. What do you think of Coldwin and the Anti-trolls?
((Did I mean to offend anybody? Of course not!))
Then why didn’t you just say ‘sorry I didn’t mean to upset anyone” delete the post (which you are so good at, then DROP IT?
((But, I'm not going to apologize to people who fail to realize the different from disliking slash art and disliking gays. ))
Apologizing to yourself would be odd....
((especially when I kept telling them the truth but, did that even try to understand? No.))
It would have if your truth was “Im sorry I did it” instead of “Im sorry I got caught”
((Look, I know this post is coming off as me being a total bitch but, ))
Now that is honest.
((I can't help it when it feels like the others have me backed into a corner. ))
You drove the car.
((My claws are out and I'm hissing out of defense.))
Hissy fitting with foam claws.
((Because it seems that very few people ever support me. ))
And yet the problem is NEVER you or your behavior is it?
((Yet, when something happens to you, or Snark or anyone else at the forum, the rest swoops in and supports them. No one at the forum has ever done that for me.))
I repeat: And yet the problem is NEVER you or your behavior is it?
((I accept people for who they are and try to befriend them and never ask them to change.))
Just who they are, what they draw and what they post.
((But, some people have given me the impression that if I don't fall right in and click with what they like then they don't chat or talk with me as much. ))
Most people get tired of talking to people who whine constantly.
((I don't feel wanted or welcomed.))
At this point, that’s because you’re not.
((I am a good person))
If passive aggressive whining is good, you are a saint.
((and I try to see the good in everyone else but, it's not easy when everyone seems to turn on me in the blink of an eye.
Third time is the charm: And yet the problem is NEVER you or your behavior is it?
((I had two friends stab me in the back last year and betray me. ))
Get better friends
((Now it feels like it's happening again but, this time it's with an entire fandom? ))
I object, I never stabbed you in the back, I stabbed you in the face.
((It's thanks to this that I'm walking away from the whole fandom for a good while. I don't even know if I'll ever come back.))
Please please, don’t get my hopes up, my black heart can’t take it.
((A big part of my anger is from stress you are right about that. I hate that I found out that as hard as I tried to keep this hidden Darkwarrior found out and got involved. ))
You made public posts and are surprised he found out? Did you think he couldn’t read?
((I never wanted him to. ))
As evidenced by your attempts to keep it on the down low.
((Especially after what just happened to his grandmother. I never wanted to drag him into this but, when he saw that I was being beaten down and hardly anyone came to my defense he did what a real friend does and had my back.))
Poor guy, still tilting at windmills.
((I apologize for repeating myself a lot in this post))
It’s ok, we’re well used to it.
((but, I'm not going to apologize to the people that dragged me through the mud and pelted me with stones. ))
Hey, you dove in, there was no dragging, and the stones didn’t fly until you went from your private journal to a public board.
((Yes, I worded it wrong. I'll admit that. ))
I suppose thats a start.
((But, people who claim to be nice, friendly, open-minded and understanding should have asked what I meant by that if they didn't understand.))
We understood.
((Here's my explanation.))
This should be good.
((I do not like slash art but, I never said I hated gays. ))
You just said they were taking the show doen a ‘darker road’ and driving away newbies.
((There is a big difference but, instead of asking me what I meant everyone was quick to assume.))
Quick to assume you menat what you wrote.
((They were wrong to do that))
Yea, they should have realized when you said darker road, you meant it was the bestest ever!
((so, they need to apologize first before I do anything. ))
I apologize tot he gay community on behalf of the fandom for having fools like you in it. We good now?
((The only person I am truly sorry to is Roaming Tigress. I realized that a lot of the art I deleted was hers and I know I didn't explain to her why I removed them. For that I am sorry. I like Roaming Tigress and she's a really kool and fun person to chat with and hang around.))
Don’t apologize, it was in the rules... oh wait...
((I don't think I was immature at all.))
it is now 4:19PM, I will be laughing till at least 5:30PM
((It just seems that way since I had to defend myself against a gang of bullies.))
You’re defense is akin to a skunks and about as pleasant, spreading stink and noise hoping to get away.
((If Cheezey can upload that photoshopped image and everyone makes fun of what just happened then I can defend myself how I see fit.))
You can, but it helps if it’s effective.
((The right thing to do? You don't think I know right from wrong?))
Judging by your behavior, no no you don’t.
((Let's see. a crowd of people ganging up on one person is wrong. ))
So if more than one person sees you being a jerk only one of them is allowed to call you on it? Man I hope they vote me into that roll.
((That person trying to explain herself and defending herself is right.))
Unless of course they’re in the wrong.
((Yep. that sounds about right to me. I'm glad that you see that I'm decent. ))
I can apply several adjectives to you, decent is not one of them.
((You see me a lot better then Coldwin does.))
*sings* I see you whining, but you cant come in.
((Wait, so they think that just because I don't like slash art that means I'm homophobic? ))
*head desk* I’ve lost count of how many times you’ve said this. You’re right, your not a horse’s ass, you’re a one trick pony.
((omg! I don't know how else to react to that other then to laugh.))
It seemed to me like it was more ‘whine rant and baw’, than ‘laugh’
((that just proves that no one has read my posts all the way through. ))
I did :) I even MST’d it.
((Do I have to spell it out? Just because I don't like imagining that Darkwing is gay and loves Negaduck that makes me homophobic. wow. really?))
One trick pony yea baby.
((I've been polite and nice long enough Celey.))
How can you use the past tense on something you haven’t started yet?
((Where has that got me? Kick around?))
Four, four fucking times ah ah ah: And yet the problem is NEVER you or your behavior is it?
((yep. I am a nice and decent person. ))
Lies I tell you! Lies!
((Only stuck-up, two-faced snobs would sit there and accuse me of not being a decent person.))
Again, I object to two faced. Stuck up is debatable, you see its not that I see myself as ‘holier than thou’ its that you suck so much more than me.
((I give the same respect I am given.))
Respect is to be earned not given.
((That's my moral.))
I don’t think that word means what you think it means.
((I stand by what I said. ))
More like slink.
((The only person I am sorry to is Roaming Tigress. I didn't mean to offend her in any way and think she's really kool.))
It’s a start I suppose.
((I also hope you realize Celey, that this response is not directed solely at you.))
Yea, 3/4 of it was directed at my horse’s ass remark *flex*
dw drama