RIP - R. M. "Pat" Meehan

Jan 30, 2006 20:04

I finally felt like putting something up here. Though of course any of my friends who talk to me regularly know this already.

My grandpa died back on the 22nd.

I would have posted something then, but I didn't really know what to say.
He'd gotten sick and went into the hospital for a few days and was doing ok for a while I guess, but then just sort of shut down.
He was 91.

The last I had seen him he was still coherent too. I hope I'm that sharp if I ever get to be even nearly as old. It's kind of amazing to think of how he was already 70 by the time I was born, that's already a full life for some people.
I kind of wish I'd known him a bit better, but it's pointless to think that way now. My grandparents have lived in Florida for my whole life, so I think it's gone pretty well considering the distance. It was always cool talking to him though, that's a lot of interesting times to live through. He's also the one who gave me his Commodore 64 years ago, something that is probably at least partially responsible for my interest in computers today.

That's it I guess. I can't really think of anything else to say right now.

So, I'm probably taking a nap in a bit, then making sure I have all of my stuff ready so I can leave for the flight to Florida right after the couple classes I have tomorrow. This week of school is pretty much a write-off.
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