Jan 31, 2009 06:40
- 07:37 is hungover from her extremely fun Thirsty. #
- 10:02 @ betsytrotzke Flight of the Chonchords! I will totally go. :-D :-D :-D #
- 10:51 really wants to spend the afternoon bumming around Kirkwood, but should probably do something useful before that. Boo vague responsibility. #
- 12:29 Soma, dinner somewhere, BSG? No particular plans, so call me if you have ideas. :-D #
- 19:47 had a grand old time at Rhino's, seeing the guys again was great, but I feel like I'm 15 again. Consequently at the Alley. #
- 05:45 This was an excellent Friday...now who wants to see "Reefer Madness:The Musical" tomorrow? #
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