Once in a lifetime

May 11, 2009 19:59

A couple weeks back, Jack (one of Jen's co-workers) introduced Elida to E. O. Wilson at a little 80th birthday thang being held at the office. He says Elida is very cute. This evening, we went to dinner at Bartley's, then walked back across Harvard yard. Elida walked between us holding our hands and we'd swiiiiing her up in the air. Wanna make a bet on which day she remembers longer?

I went to the dentist today. Bad news: I can has cavity? :-( Good news: I suppose I did have to get one eventually :-) 32 is not too young to start on ye olde toothe decay.

I got lots of stuff for Mother's Day! I got a haircut. "I got Jen" a vacuum cleaner. While this is THE most stereotypically do-not-buy-this-for-your-wife gift in the catalog, because she has worse allergies, I do the vacuuming in the first place, plus she's been asking for a small vacuum so that "we" (the anti-royal we, i.e. me) don't have to haul ye olde Kirby up and down the staircase. Also my mom sent me this video. (No worries: neither NSFW nor a rickroll.) Happy Mother's Day to me! I especially like the biker with the "I <3 coldtortuga" biceps tattoo.

So I've been at the new job for 6 months now. People ask me if I like it: 6 months without useless Powerpoint, baby!!! And I love my new and shiny salary! (Of course, 100% of the pay increase is going towards daycare costs... :-P)

It's been spring here for a couple weeks now, which means it's a good time to plant bulbs, just in case you've been watching out for that. And my parents are coming for a weeklong visit at the start of June, and Jen is letting them park an RV in our driveway the whole time, which means hell has frozen over, just in case you've been watching out for that too.

Oh! The goobs is waking up. (I'm blogging from the front seat of our car, sitting in the driveway.) Ciao!
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