(no subject)

Jul 20, 2005 23:30

trying to break me down
you words would have merit if you wernt a puppet on a string
you lie and try to break me down, does it make you feel better
do you sleep better at night knowing that you have hurt me again and again
well guess what im over it never fucking again
i am strong and i am my own person
all your lies and all your actions to bring me down
succeded in only one thig made you look like a fucking clown.
so consider this my note my response, my retort
your words hurt like a feather
standing strong i am my own women
never to be put on strings and manipulated like a sheep
i hope your happy, becasue i am your words make me laugh
so guess what you failed one again
trying to break me down when i am stronger than you
take those stones you throw and watch yourself its dangerous living in your glass house
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