Jun 24, 2009 06:57
[Filter: Private]
It's probably a good thing that he's picking up on this so quickly. Let's be honest with ourself now, Aekaran, in all likelihood, once Lady Eve expels us from her castle, red-faced and shrieking, we will probably be joining that circuit of unwashed mercenaries. Our money is running out as it is.
And Dragons forbid I ever even consider going home. To that woman.
Never again. Anything is preferable to that.
I suppose I'm stuck with this man for a long time, the longer I think about it. I owe him a debt, after all, and as nice as solitude can be, it's more convenient to have a comrade ...
... I do think about Eden somedays. I wonder whatever happened to her.
No matter.
[Filter: Davan]
Well, now that my frustration over your general patheticness has mostly passed, at least for the moment, I'm prepared to talk about that other event from the night your friend was assaulted. Provided you even remember.