Japanese word of the day: hirame = flounder

Mar 10, 2008 22:55

I am eyeball deep in Johnny's Entertainment Fandom, and have just finished watching the fantastic Akihabara@deep, so I thought I must check out 2channel, notorious Japanese internet messageboard, and see what the Johnny's ent boards over there were like. Now, I'm not all that great at Japanese, and my Kanji reading ability is mostly thanks to rikaichan, so I was quite serious as I went through the threads and saw what people were talking about. For some reason, I though Japanese fen would be quite serious too. Then I realised I was reading a thread entitled 'Yabu looks like a Flounder'. Ah, fans. They are the same the world round. That's why I love them.

Actually, Akihabara@deep doesn't do such a bad job of representing fans. Yes, all the characters are freaks in their own way, but they're proud of what they love, and they are all awesome in their own way. It suffers from being a little obvious (OK, very obvious), but it makes up for it in it's faithfulness to Otaku obsessions, and makes me want to go back to Akiba! I love being able to chalk up watching fannish obsessions as 'Japanese Practice'. Now, I'm going to go and learn more about Japanese words for deep sea fish...

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