in place of thesis

Mar 02, 2011 00:23

 I always seem to end up here when I have a lot of things to do.

Recital went reasonably well. nothing earth shattering but on balance okay.
all of my gov professors came which meant a lot to me. my friends not in class or rehearsal came, as did my parents.

don't know what the deal with next year's Teach in China is... we were supposed to be issued work visas, but because the gov't has recently tightened restrictions, we need to go on student visas.. which makes me slightly nervous.

orchestra concert saturday, Hanna's soloing with us again (this time as runner up to concerto competition; two years ago she won) on this piece (Ravel's Tzigane). it opens with a slightly atonal, showy  3.5 minute cadenza. the ensemble is near impossible, but it sounds decent the way we play it.

went contra dancing for the first time last saturday. we ended up leaving a little early because max got too many blisters-- he hops around a lot.

also, Max is getting sick.. and I think that I am too.

Just emailed advisor to push back thesis meeting another 24hrs... because I have written none of the 7-9 pages I wanted to have for tomorrow...

also must finish this gov paper due... a while ago. the work is done it just needs to turn into English.
it's on abortion and the Catholic church (oh how everything comes full circle) ; this time likening everything to political ideology and the criticisms that Catholics bring on the Church.

god talk last night with Max+his housemates. it pisses me off when people try to redefine atheism to mean agnostic for the sole reason that "agnosticism" is a weak word. BULLSHIT. "atheism" is strong because it claims an absolute. if you don't claim the absolute then don't use a word that implies it.

Otherwise: started King Lear in Shakespeare's political thought. very much looking forward to this play as I have neither read nor seen it.

library closes in 45minutes and I have two pages to compose. I guess it's time to stop procrastinating.
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