Hamster-Powered MIDI Sequencer >
In keeping with our brave new, hamster-powered world, Levy Lorenzo has submitted his contribution to society in the form of the hamster-controlled MIDI sequencer. “It’s three note polyphonic. Each channel is controlled by two hamsters, one for the melody, one for the rhythm.” Heaven have mercy on the poor fool who switches the rhythm hamster with the melody hamster. If developing a MIDI interface for your hamsters wasn’t nerdy enough, the project page also describes his extensive use of Markov chains (you have been informed, warned). Link includes video of the hamsters in action, and hamster-produced MP3s.
http://www.gizmodo.com/gadgets/gadgets/musical-instruments/index.php#hamsterpowered-midi-sequencer-034155, via
http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/eceprojectsland/STUDENTPROJ/2002to2003/lil2/] and only in New Jersey...
Maybe putting a pic of your friend holding an AK-47 on your cellphone wasn’t such a good idea >
You know when’s a really bad time for your cellphone to ring? It’s when the cops are interrogating you about a missing AK-47 assault rifle used in a murder and you completely forgot to change the wallpaper on your phone from that photo of your friend holding an AK-47 that you thought was really dope. Which is exactly what happened last week to a pair of geniuses in New Jersey. A cellphone that belonged to one of the guys started ringing while they were being questioned by police about the rifle (which they claimed they didn’t know anything about), one of the cops picked it up to switch off the ringer when he noticed the picture on screen.
http://engadget.com/entry/1234000510033593/, via