Jun 10, 2009 12:26
I had a whole bunch of thoughts i was going to post the other day. And now they're gone. No big, I suppose. But I was hoping to come up with some coping strategies, so that when they surface again I'll be ready.
Maybe I applied the coping strategy I've been using the past few months. When things take a dark turn, I just think of that scene in Watchmen where New York and several key cities are blasted into atoms by Dr. Manhattan's powers, or of the final scene in 30 Days of Night where Eben turns to ash as first light hits him, or of that scene in LSH issue 5 where the world goes white after Mon-El destroys the Time Trapper, or even that scene in that show where the reality bomb atomises a few human subjects.
But I love that scene in 30 days of Night best.