If I was Whitney Houston, I would have exhaled already. READ: No waiting.

May 10, 2006 23:01

They say life is funny. They say, at least things can't get any worse. They say what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. They say everything happens for a reason. They say all kinds of things that make us feel a little bit better about all the up front crapanzanza that comes our way. Coping mechanisms abound, we all coast through our day, and eventually, ultimately and in a timely fashion, our lives. This is in the non-directional and aspirationless (yet, perspirational) handbook for the object of living, written by college eductaed unemployed people with nothing better to do.
These are all thoughts that I have had, and see no end to regardless.

Although, now that I have a real job, Battered Women's Services has actually hired me, I am actually on a payroll and doing something that I had previously only dreamed about doing every day of my life, something is still amiss.
Although upon employment I had a rush to my head and felt a little queasy, I could feel in my tum-tum that something huge had just happened to me. And it did!
It is exciting in an unfathomable way how much this means to me! It is exciting because it matters. It is made out of raisens smeared in peanut butter, hung in a coniferous tree for non-migratory birds.
This is the life of a bagel!
I'm happy and verbose in a way that no one really knows.

Adult life, salary and health insurance. What the hell have I done!?
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