It's been a rough couple of days, but I'm gettin' through it pretty well. I'm having girl problems (WTF?) Anyway, all the heroes fans should check
this out, Noah Gray Cabey (Micah Sanders) films a video diary for and it's so cute. Like Milo said, you just wanna 'scoop him up like icecream and take him home.' He's also the most interesting part of the disastrous Sanders Family storyline. I hope he escapes Candace, who I love and hate at the same time. She's an obnoxious bitch, yeah, but she's also kinda hot in those skirts. But threatening to mess up poor Micah for life? Dirty. Can't wait to see Jessica go apeshit on her. Speaking of crazy blondes, how awesome was Claire this past episode? She totally called Peter on his "I'm here to save everyone" BS. And the "you can fly?!" exchange with Nathan was pretty hilarious. Oh, Monday, you're so far away...