Sep 09, 2009 23:51
First buy your chicken soup and leave in cupboard for emergencies. Next, purchase cheap Polish bread from 24-hour supermarket and put in freezer to prevent mould. Upon waking late at night and in need of food, open can of chicken soup and pour into pot. Heat at whatever the highest temperature your hob can manage is. Turn on your other hob, again to whatever full heat happens to be, and lay some slices of the frozen Polish bread on it, turning frequently both to thaw the bread equally and to prevent it from sticking to your hob. Remove bread when slightly toasted and repeat with new slices. Stir your soup and wait until it starts to bubble; this will ensure that it remains hot throughout your meal. Turn off hobs and pour the soup into a bowl - a blue plastic one will suffice - and dunk the hob-thawed bread in it. If you require more bread, continue thawing slices on the hobs which have retained their heat despite being turned off.
Serves 1.