Nov 02, 2005 23:13
This shit is a fucking outrage! I was reading in the Washington Post about how there is this vaccine that could help prevent cervical cancer by blocking the hpv virus. Some strains of that virus lead to cervical cancer. What, you ask, is there to even object to? Well leave it to the narrow minded conservatives to try and fight the introduction of this vaccine because it "might" encourage more underage sex since it blocks a sexually transmitted disease. Um wait a second...I think I remember getting a vaccine when I was 12 years old for Hepatitis, another std but somehow there didnt ever seem to be an issue with this. Sooooo it's like ok, we are already vaccinating kids with something that prevents an std, I don't understand why this is an issue.Yes Hepatitis can be contracted in other ways too and the vaccine is to cover all possible ways one might get the disease, but the vaccine that prevents h.p.v. is more importantly something that could be used to prevent cervical cancer. So basically what the idiot fundamentalist bastards are saying is that their unrealistic concept of "morality" is more important than women's health. Way to go, I'm sure that's what Jesus would want right? These people are a fucking joke. I bet you if this were a vaccine for men, it would hardly be the issue it is as a women's health concern. Just like how insurance will cover Viagra, yet most pharmacies refuse to keep the morning after pill in stock. Yeah, let's exacerbate the problem by getting more dicks hard and out there fucking but then refuse those filthy whores the morning after pill and condemn them with bastard children, they hope. I mean when is it going to end? Getting back to the main topic, I am sick of hearing "well if we teach them abstinence is the only option til they are married, then it won't matter" Please. No matter what is taught or what is rewritten in the school books the kids who have sex are going to have sex no matter what. The kids that aren't going to have sex will not suddenly be swayed by allowing this vaccine to be a mandatory shot just like the hepatitis shot and all the others required for kids to get to even go to school you know??? There is nothing anyone can do to stop kids from having sex. I didn't when I was in high school and I can tell you right now, if this vaccine would have come out back then I would not have been like, Oh well in that case let me go fuck every guy I see. No , it doesnt work that way. And the people that are the most hard pressed about Christian morals and such are usually the biggest hypocrites, the molesters, alcoholics, wife abusers, etc. So what gives?? When will it stop? They are going to overturn Roe v Wade as soon as Bush gets his God Squad on the Supreme Court, they will not allow the introduction of a vaccine that could prevent a potentially deadly disease, they want to take sex ed out of the schools, Bush already cut a ton of funding to suh agencies as Planned Parenthood-one of the few places teenagers can go to get birth control and get tested for STDs at little or no cost to them, they want to keep the morning after pill out of the pharmacies, they want to shelter and brainwash their kids into thinking that any lifestyle that is different from their own is wrong, that homosexuality is wrong, that Buddhism, Islam, Paganism, Wicca, Atheism, feminism, freedom of reproductive rights ARE ALL WRONG. Fuck that shit! Seriously, where is our country going to be when we are fully reinstated to the 1950's. If they really want to make a difference, how about giving more assistance to single teenage mothers, I mean if they are going to say absitinence only then what is their answer to the thousands of girls that get pregnant because not only was the reality of how easily they can get pregnant taken out of the school curriculum, but there would be no options for them to get birth control at all? What's next, I.D. requirement and proof of marraige to buy condoms?? It sounds outlandish but the way things are going, I wouldn't be surprised. I know alot of people say "well if so-and-so wins the election, I'm moving to Canada" or something to that effect, but I seriously do not know how I could stay in a place that is undoing so much progress. If it gets to an unbearable point, I really will be out of here. This is a form of extremism that nobody should be subjected to. The only people who advocate this bullshit is people who have lived sheltered lives themselves, are brainwashed by religious fanaticism, are not very intelligent, and overall have never had to experience anything outside of their sheltered little Jesus world where Mom stays home and bakes cookies all day and has no life of her own, no mind of her own just a zombie cooking, cleaning, staying out of "men's affairs" like politics, higher education, and working outside the home, letting her husband rape her but when she is in the mood for sex-ooops haha silly me, in this perfect ideal world, women have no say, let alone would WANT to have and even enjoy sex. Silly me, I forgot.