Something to do

Apr 01, 2010 23:35

Well, yeah, I've been practicing my writing outside of my original stories, homework, and Chains Of Love- but I stumbled across this type of challenge for writers- and it's piqued my curiosity enough for me to be a little bit addicted to doing the challenge.

Let me explain, it's like this: There are fifty themes on a list, and you have to choose a pairing or character to fit all fifty themes.  It has to be the same pairing, but can have supporting characters as long as it's related to the main pairing, but here's the catch: In the version of the challenge that I picked: Each theme has to have only one sentence each- which is ACTUALLY harder to do than say.

If you're interested, the community and themes and themes variations can be found here:  1sentence

I did the Epsilon themes variation

And the pairing: John/Paul. :)

So, skipping past my ramblings, I hope you all enjoy and please let me know what you think about them- and if you really like some- please let me know which number and theme, and whether or not you think I should make a full one-shot or drabble out of that particular theme.

And if you're confused, well, I'm sorry for doing a sucky job explaining... :(


#01 - Motion- John and Paul are like the authors of two dances- John’s movements are quick and loud, like tap, while Paul’s are more romantically elegant, his movements a slow waltz; but when they combine their moves, they are composers of a passionate tango.

#02 - Cool- The day they discovered the wonders of a can of Reddi-whip was, most certainly, an interesting one.

#03 - Young- They were young and stupidly optimistic when they made it big; sometimes Paul wishes that they didn’t become the Beatles, because he’d still have John’s heart.

#04 - Last- John sometimes has insecurities about his relationship with Paul, and Paul reassures him that their love will last if they continue to express their feelings to each other.

#05 - Wrong- How could something, that was viewed by the world as wrong, feel so right?

#06 - Gentle- Only Paul truly knows how gentle John can be…

#07 - One- “We all go down together…” He whispers as he clutches John tightly as the older man struggles in the infected battle to keep the darkness from tainting his fragile mind, and Paul just holds him throughout the war. [A/N: Wrote this while listening to “Goodnight Saigon” by Billy Joel, one of my all-time, Non-Beatles, favorite songs.  It’s a very sad song, but it’s very, very powerful… And pretty historically accurate in the lyrics…  Seeing as it was about the soldiers fighting in the Vietnam War.]

#08 - Thousand- Thousands of females scream ecstatically as all four of them bow to the cheering masses; John looks at Paul through half-lidded, blurry eyes, thinking that Paul’s flushed cheeks, evidence from the exhilaration of performing for such a large crowd, are oddly sexy.

#09 - King- As Paul looks at the solemn faces of the playing cards while picking them off the floor and table, he gazes at the King of Diamonds, and suddenly realizes that John is the King of Diamonds in reality.

#10 - Learn- John has learned to reveal his true emotions and thoughts to Paul, while Paul has learned to navigate his way through John’s calamitous tsunami of rambling emotions; but they have both mastered the ways on how to love and comfort each other through all of the chaos and disappointments of reality.

#11 - Blur- John blinks with confusion as his modified vision suddenly reverts back to its natural haziness; he smiles as Paul sits down onto his lap, slipping John’s glasses up the bridge of his nose while looking at the tawny-haired man mischievously.

#12 - Wait- John anxiously shifts his weight, tuning out Cynthia as he watches Paul talking with Jane; Paul subtly glances over to John, and both are aware that they have a long time until the end of the party…

#13 - Change- John and Paul aren’t really sure exactly when their friendship changed, but they’re grateful that they accepted the changes.

#14 - Command- From what George and Ringo have heard, it amuses them that Paul is still somewhat bossy in bed…

#15 - Hold- When Paul feels upset, John just listens to his problems, makes jokes and gives bluntly expressed advice; when John is upset, Paul just tugs the older man into his arms, and never lets go.

#16 - Need- Paul is like the wind and John is like a smoldering ember on the grass; when they are combined, they create an inferno of emotions, creativity, and love.

#17 - Vision- Sometimes, and it’s rare when John admits it to himself, but sometimes, he lets Paul be his eyes in public, and lets the other man lead him around or read things for him; Paul really doesn’t mind being John’s eyes.

#18 - Attention- Paul finds it nearly impossible to ignore John- especially when John uses every tactic in his book to call his attention away from anything that isn’t him.

#19 - Soul- They had always admitted that they were soul-mates, but they could never admit that their pride and jealousy had ruined the union.

#20 - Picture- They made an interesting image; John with his cat-like eyes, smirking lips, and tawny hair; Paul with his long eyelashes, warm, wide brown eyes, combined with full pouty lips- but they fit perfectly together.

#21 - Fool- They say that fools fall in love, and John never understands what that phrase meant until he fell.

#22 - Mad- It’s ironically funny how John views Paul as the Cheshire Cat, while Paul sees John as the Mad Hatter- and then George and Ringo just believe the other two Beatles were just mad.

#23 - Child- Julian’s hands are blanketed by his father’s as John guides his son through understanding the magical music of the piano; Paul, smiling, quietly pulls out the camera and snaps some beautiful photographs of a father with his son.

#24 - Now- “You. Me. Closet. Now.”

#25 - Shadow- George and Ringo both have noticed that with John’s passing, Paul had become a shadow of his former self.

#26 - Goodbye- If there was one thing that Paul didn’t want to ever do to John, it was saying goodbye.

#27 - Hide- “You’ve got to hide your love away,” he quietly sings to the microphone as his eyes flitter over to Paul, who slowly averts his eyes away, and John has never felt so helpless.

#28 - Fortune- John and Paul goes to a fortune-teller for a laugh, but they don’t heed her advice when she predicts that they will be ripped apart by each other’s betrayals caused by a foreign bird and their swords of words…

#29 - Safe- John finds it a little disconcerting that he always feels safe when he’s with Paul.

#30 - Ghost- As he softly crooned out words to accompany the wistful melody of his piano, a weak smile graced his lips as an invisible pair of lips brushed against his tear-stained cheek.

#31 - Book- Paul knows that whenever John is feeling down, he’ll pull out his worn-down copy of “Alice In Wonderland” and rememorize the dreamlike scenes again.

#32 - Eye- “John, Julian is not glaring at you- he’s a baby; babies can’t glare.”

#33 - Never- Paul says: “we’re never doing that again,” while John just grins knowingly.

#34 - Sing- George looks away with an embarrassed expression as he walks out of the pub; he does NOT know the two singing drunks stumbling around behind him.

#35 - Sudden- When Paul heard about John’s tragic shooting, he felt his world suddenly shatter into uncountable, irreparable pieces, falling apart like the shards of a smashed mirror.

#36 - Stop- George just glares, horrified, at the wall as he drops his hand of cards onto the table, wondering if John and Paul will ever finish their "song-writing session”; Ringo just laughs victoriously as he reveals a full-house to his friend, and then sweep the small stack of candies towards him.

#37 - Time- John glares at the clock impatiently as he holds his drink while lounging on the couch, waiting for Jane to leave so he can have his time with Paul.

#38 - Wash- “Want me to help you wash your back?”

#39 - Torn- Paul sighs as he looks at the ripped sleeve of his white shirt- looks like he’d have to do some quick explaining to Brian…again.

#40 - History- Maybe he’s just being selfish, but in his life, the saddest days of history pale to the existence he now had without John by his side.

#41 - Power- “I hate apologizing… I’m a little right, aren’t I, George,” John asks his friend, who rolls his eyes and pushes him towards Paul’s door.

#42 - Bother- John may be a bother a lot of the time, but he’s his bother.

#43 - God- John occasionally likes to sarcastically introduce Paul as “God of the Beatles”; Paul just rolls his eyes.

#44 - Wall- George, blushing while staring at the ceiling, wonders why he can still hear them going at it, especially when the walls are supposedly soundproof; Ringo just flips to the next section of his 2,000 paged book.

#45 - Naked- Paul finds it mildly amusing that John’s the blushing one whenever they strip each other of their clothes.

#46 - Drive- “Baby, you can drive my car anytime,” John cockily quips, grinning impishly at Paul’s interesting reaction- rolling eyes and scarlet-stained cheeks.

#47 - Harm- “I’ll never do you no harm,” John vows, but Paul knows better than to believe false promises.

#48 - Precious- Unlike what everyone believes, John does know how to hold something close and cherish the moments; he already cherishes a special someone, he just wishes he didn’t have to share him with the rest of the world.

#49 - Hunger- Ringo finds it amusing that whenever John complains about himself starving to death at restaurants, Paul picks up a roll from the breadbasket and crams it into John’s mouth with a satisfied smirk.

#50 - Believe- “I love you more…” John whispers, putting his thin-wired glasses back onto his face as he slips out the door; Paul curls up into a ball on the bed, fully aware that John is going back to her- and trying to not let his bruised heart shatter from John’s abuse.

Uh, yeah, It feels a bit sucky to me but it's my first time with this challenge...

challenge, john/paul; 1sentence, writing

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